chapter 15

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Soooo..I've been getting inboxed about how people feel I'm not portraying pk's properly. Saying that pk's don't dress or act the way they are in my book. Well I'm a pk and I can tell you from knowing other pk's...we're all different. Inboxing me saying that "pk's shouldn't cuss like this" when in fact some do and do even worse than cuss boo. We're not the worst but we all have our moments. And pk's are human and regular people just like you. So...if you dont like the way I write my book then don't read it. Simple as that, iight? Now on with the story.


Well its now Thursday. One day left of school this week. School is alright but I just wanna relax this weekend. Besides the fact that the boys wanted to have a "pig out" night Friday, but it should be fun. Anyways its last period, government and I had it with my sissy Regan.

"Ugh Mo is so dumb" she randomly blurted out laughing while texting.

"I know he's not texting you while he's in athletics" I said about to fiya Ryan up since he wasnt texting me. Our relationship is, well its good. Great in fact. He's the same Ryan he's always been just more..boyfriend type.

"No he left for a doctors appointment today. His dad actually showed up. He texted me and said he's really pretending to be "dad of the year" for all the nurses." she said annoyed. I didnt say anything because his dad was almost like my mom. For different reasons both of our parents are workaholics and either you can accept it and move on or you can be bitter and angry about it. Almost like Ryan is. I know to everyone else it may not seem like it but being as close to him as I am, I know that his parents excessive traveling and insufficient family time bothers him.

"Like can you believe the nerve of his so called "father"?" she went on bringing me outta my thought.

"Regan dont get into that. Trust me. Stay in your lane boo." I replied shaking my head.

"What do you mean don't get into that? Stay in my lane? He's my boyfriend? A boyfriend I've known my entire life. His dad sucks and doesn't deserve to even be in his life." she said with too much attitude for me. So before I said something wrong I quietly got my things packed up and got outta my seat walkin towards the door. The bell would ring in 3..2..1..*bell rings*. I walked towards my car waiting for Rylee to come out since I know for a fact Regan will ride with Ryan now. Once Rylee did walk out I startes my car about to drive off when my phone rang. I looked down to see it was Ryan.

"Hello?" I said confused as to why he called me.

"Why is my sister crying?" he asked with hella attitude. Both of them were workin my nerves.

"Umm I dont know. When I walked outta class she had a attitude, now she crying? Why you call asking me?" I said highly aggravated.

"Cause she said you had an attitude with her. Basically got ya shit and was like fuck her" he basically yelled in the phone. I started my car and pulled out the parking lot.

"Rylee what you want to eat" I asked totally ignoring the foolishness Ryan and Regan were creating. The fact that she would act like that so that her brother could come at me the way he is makes me look at our sistership in a whole nother light. That was petty beyond words.

"So you just gone ignore me. Bi- " he yelled then took a breath to try and calm down

"Kenzie don't piss me off bruh" he said into the phone slowly.

"Nah I gotcho bitch bruh. Fuck you and dont come trying to apologize later punk nigga" I barked into the phone before hanging up. That shit just blew me. I was breathing hard and bouncing my leg. They were both on some kinda stupid shit today and I honestly dont have time for it. I looked over and sighed calming down.

"Im sorry you had to hear that baby girl" I said to Rylee who was just sitting next to me fiddling with her fingers.

"Its okay. Regan does that a lot when she doesn't get her way or when she feels like someone will be on your side rather than hers. Its rather annoying" she said. My baby sounded all grown up and stuff. Ive known Regan all these years but never have I seen her act like this. This shit is for the birds hunny.

Regan and Nevaeh in the MM
Quick update for my babes...straight from the dome tho. I think I'll start writing like this though. Its easier. Anyways have a great week love you guys.
Xoxoxo- brebre

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