uh oh insanity disease (Danganronpa/FFF)

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Kaito didn't feel normal. Shuichi could practically
feel the intense fear and adrenaline radiating from Kaito's body. His eyes darted around the hallway looking for some sort of cause or explanation for Kaito's sudden shift in behavior. Only when Saihara's eyes returned to the astronomer, did they suddenly widen with horror.

He didn't look normal either.

Kaito had started to shiver uncontrollably, his face flushing red with adrenaline and eyes welling up with tears. His normally kind violet eyes were now horrified and bloodshot, the whites of witch a sickly reddish yellow. Hot jagged breaths escaped his mouth as his hands quickly rose to clutch his own head.

Shuichi started to slowly back away from his friend, bracing himself with an arm outstretched.

"...Kaito? You- you don't look okay... What's happening to you?!" He said with a hushed and quivering voice.

He barely had time to say something else when Kaito let out an earsplitting wail.


(envision a scream of agony but more raspy and animal-like. That's basically the sound he made.)

Shuichi's hands immediately flew to his ears, in the wake of the inhuman shriek tearing itself from the astronomer's throat.

(Idk how to transition this so here's the next part brace yourselves)

Saihara was suddenly pinned against the wall by his neck, his eyes frantically meeting Kaito's. The astronomer's face was no longer the jovial friend he knew, violet eyes now sick and wild with bloodlust, face red with rage and twisted into a grievous snarl.

Saihara tried to scream, tried to utter anything to hinder the madness of his friend, but his efforts were fruitless amongst Kaito's iron grip.

Saihara had to think of something, ANYTHING, and fast.

Thinking fast, Shuichi then lifted a foot, and struck Kaito in the shin as hard as he could.

Kaito reeled back with another strange cry, freeing Saihara's neck from his grip; still trembling uncontrollably and madness in his gaze. Shuichi could barely think about what was next before blacking out from lightheadedness.




Saihara snapped awake. To his surprise, Maki was kneeling in front of him, as he was slumped down on the floor.

"Shuichi are you alright? And where's Kaito?"

The mere mention of the name almost made Saihara flinch, as the memory of what got him here crackled back into his mind like a thunderbolt.

"Eh- I don't know?! He tried to strangle me!" Shuichi stammered, panic grazing his voice.

"Yeah, I- kinda figured that already." Maki responded with a hint of unamusement "That's why I wanna know where he is."

Shuichi carefully got to his feet, neck still aching from the sudden attack. "I just- he just changed, so fast, what the fuck could make somebody act like that?"

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