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(Came up with a headcanon that Quackity has a scar and uh, well this happened. What possessed me to write this.)

"The Scar"

To George Whittaker.

I understand you're probably on your way back from a supply run with Dream and Wilbur, but fucking hell, words cannot describe my bewilderment.

It had, started out like any other evening. Sydney had gone out to go check on some things, said things I can't remember, but that's not what this is about.

I had been doing the dishes after the sun had gone down and was wrapping up to go to bed when, we heard this- sickly, animalistic groan. It was either a groan or a scream I couldn't tell. Well, me and Charlie rushed out the back door to see what the hell was going on, and...

A pair of bright white glowing eyes. That's what me and Charlie saw staring back at us from the Mistplume Woods. And unfortunately I've seen those eyes before, as I know they used to belong to you. Yet as they staggered toward us and into the light of the cabin's lanterns, it became clear these eyes were not who I thought they were.

It was Sydney. He had been slashed across the stomach, and had an arm over the wound. Making those strange sounds that hurt to listen to, that no Elytrian- fucking no one should normally make. Sounded like a wounded animal but worse. We immediately got him inside to tend to his wound, but of course not without getting blood goddamn everywhere. I had to hastily wrap him up with an old bedsheet to get the bleeding under control, while Charlie was making sure he was still breathing. Poor guy was on the edge of tears, thinking he was going to loose a dear friend.

At about 11:00 PM, Syd finally showed some stability, and the bleeding had fortunately stopped. He didn't say, scream, or sputter a word throughout the entire incident. He had just stared with those solid, eerie white eyes whilst periodically groaning in pain. Yet he came to a point of rest and recovery awfully quick, I would have written to you immediately right then and there if he hadn't. I threw away that set of pajamas that night since, there was no way I was going to bed covered in my friend's blood, not like I got much sleep anyway. Charlie probably sat next to him the whole night.

All very stressful, yes. But the strangest thing about this wasn't the incident itself. It was what happened the morning after.

The next day, Syd just, got up and went about his day like nothing happened. No blood, no solemn white eyes, nothing. He was back to normal just like he had been yesterday morning. It was as if the incident never happened. All of the blood he had lost onto the floor and that ratty bedsheet was gone too! Upon asking him if he remembered anything from last night, he just... shrugged. But HOW? An injury that grievous shouldve taken a week or maybe more to recover from, even with your healing magic. Not in a single night! And blood doesn't just MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR without removal spells!

I... think it's best I don't tell him. Quackity doesn't need to know. He's fine now. Apart from the glaringly obvious scar across his midsection...witch he was alarmed at and asked me about. Charlie's alright too albeit shaken. They're just glad Sydney's ok, and alive.

Woe is me, for only the deities know what fucking monstrosities lurk in those woods, and they haven't been seen in a hundred years. I wouldnt bother asking Foolish, they likely don't know either. Who, or what had the gall to inflict such a nasty injury on Syd, and an equally nasty trick on us.

I do apologize for the fiasco that went on with you only being gone for a day, but once you get home, we can have a chat about it. As the oath of Numquam Obliviscar says, not a single incident be overlooked.

I think it's about time we put some fences (or even walls) around that damn forest. It's hiding something from us, and I do NOT want to know what it is.

Sincerest regards, and apologies for the jarring letter,

Jackson Manifold.

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