Morning arrived early, as always, surprisingly Enid was up before Wednesday was, now that's a sight you don't see often.
"Good morning sleepy head, you slept in for a while, I was worried you were dead." Enid joked as she turned to face Wednesday, Wednesday arose from her bed and stared at the girl. "Very funny, but trust me you'd know if I had died in my sleep." Wednesday said blankly, Enid scrunched her face and looked at Wednesday funny, Wednesday paid no attention to it.
"We do have new schedules correct." Wednesday asked as she'd turn to Enid while fixing her braids, this was the first time Enid had seen Wednesday with her hair down, and for some reason she couldn't stop staring, Enid was in awe, the way Wednesday stroked her fingers through her thick, black, medium length of hair made Enid's face heat up and as well as extend her claws, "wait what just happened!" Enid panicked internally, before Wednesday could turn to her she quickly covered her claws behind her back, and smiled awkwardly.
"Enid, are you deaf, I asked you a question." Wednesday grunted, Enid flinched at her voice and zoned back into reality, "I think so-" the werewolf answered unsure, "we are suppose to meet at the court outside, principle Ovid will be there to personally give us each our schedules.' So we better hurry up." Enid added.
"We." Wednesday raised a brow, Enid turned to her and smiled, "of course silly come on, I don't want to drag you there." Enid opened the door widely and waited for Wednesday, Wednesday quickly growled to herself and followed after Enid, "I feel like a pet." Wednesday thought as she followed closely behind Enid, "did she put on a new perfume." Wednesday thought as she slightly sniffed the back of Enid's hair, the smell was almost to be tasted, the scents of strawberries and bacon, were an interesting mix, Wednesday wasn't complaining however.
"Good we made it." Enid made a fast stop, however since Wednesday was still dazed she'd bump into Enid, immediately alarming the blond making her spin around. "Wednesday, are you okay." Enid asked with a yell in her voice, Wednesday looked up and glared at her. "You stop faster than a truck." Wednesday dusted herself off and stepped back, "ha, ha, sorry Wednesday." Enid apologies looking down as she rubbed the back of her head, Wednesday kept her chin up and looked down at her, was she feeling pity for Enid, surely
"Welcome students, I'm so glad you all made it." The principal announced, diverting everyone's attention. While Mrs. Ovid was speaking Wednesday took the chance to scan the area, her eyes caught onto Bianca, it appears she has come to this school for her final year, interesting.
"Wednesday are you paying attention shes about to hand out our schedules." Enid lightly poked Wednesday's shoulder, she'd turn and look at Enid straight in the eyes, Enid stared back but just started to turn pink, this surprised Wednesday as she immediately stopped and turned her attention to the on coming principal, that was walking towards her.
"Good morning Addams." Ovid greeted Wednesday with a polite nod, Wednesday returned the favor but said nothing, "nice to know you won't be trouble this year, it's hard enough dealing with the werewolves." Mrs Ovid joked as she handed Wednesday her schedule.
"Hey!" Enid growled, taking offense to her joke, Wednesday turned to Edin and slightly smirked, admiring her attitude, wait.
"Oh dear, I didn't mean you, you're an Angel compare to those dogs." The principal turned to the table of werewolves fighting each other. "She is not wrong you know." Wednesday slightly agreed with Mrs Ovid, Enid turned to Wednesday with "puppy eyes" Wednesday was alarmed. "Really." Enid awed, Wednesday immediately shut down Enid's energy. "That's enough, you don't want me to take that back." Wednesday growled crossing her arms, Enid nodded her head and just smiled still staring at Wednesday.
"Now before I disperse you all, I must announce there will be no classes for today, in saying this, I have allowed the you students to go to the locate town, just please be back by 5:00 o'clock, or else we will have teachers come after you." The principal said sternly, the groups of students cheered as well as Enid, Wednesday didn't participate.
As she was zoning out, yet again, an annoying and familiar voice creeped up behind them, Ajax, Wednesday would rather dig her own grave than listen to his voice. "Ajax hi." Enid chirped, looking abnormally happy towards him, "are they still dating." Wednesday thought as she sided eye the two, wait...
"Oh, hey Wednesday, still looking Emo I see." Ajax laughed, Enid would lightly hit his chest as she was joined with him in a half hug, Wednesday looked disgusted at the two, they looked worse than her mother and father, and that's saying something. "Hilarious." Wednesday said blankly, turning away from his face.
"Anyways-" Ajax started, "strike me dead." Wednesday thought as he continued. "Why don't we go to town, maybe grab some coffee or go out on a romantic walk." Ajax attempted to "purr" Wednesday nearly gaged, seriously why was Ajax even trying. "Sure!" Enid replied quickly letting go of Ajax, "hey Wednesday want to come with, unless you have other plans..." Enid said sadly not wanting to force, or bother her, Wednesday rose from her seat and faced Enid with a smirk, throwing off Ajax. "I'm honored you invited me Enid, I accept you're invitation." Wednesday said more "lively" Ajax's jaw dropped, did that just happen.
Enid clapped and squealed as she'd open her arms for Wednesday, Wednesday with an unsure face, stepped into the hug and let her, but only for a moment, Enid let go immediately and backed away respecting Wednesday's space, smiling so widely her cheeks were glowing, Wednesday smiled internally, of course not showing it on her expression.
"Great, let's go than, the bus will be here soon." Enid lead the way as Wednesday cut past Ajax purposefully tripping him, he'd flair his nostrils, but continued to follow, all the way in the back. A proud grin formed on Wednesday's face as she'd continue to walk behind Edin, "try harder Ajax" Wednesday chuckled internally, wait... did she just say that.
To be continued.
May have mistakes, but I'm really proud of this chapter! :)

FanfictionIt's been a year since Wednesday has step foot in Nevermore Academy, due to the incidents of last year, most of the school needed to be redone, as well as hire new staffs members. Nevertheless Wednesday returns and is once again paired with Edin, b...