Chapter Ten.

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It felt like hours to both Enid and Wednesday, the two were still locked together, neither wanted to let go...

In the darkness of the closet all that was heard were their heartbeats, both slow and easy, it was extremely calming to Enid, who just listened to the heartbeat of Wednesday, thank you werewolf abilities.

"Enid." Wednesday said blankly, Enid hummed, digging her face into the neck of the girl, Wednesday flinched at the sudden movement, she'd start to get nervous this much affection was starting to get to her...

"Enid, I think you're fine now, so how about you get up." Wednesday slowly started to detach herself from Enid, the blonde sighed and pulled away, she knew this was probably a lot for Wednesday. As the two pulled apart the still stayed quite close to each other, hearing each other's heart beat and breaths...

"Thank you Wednesday, I couldn't image how uncomfortable that was." Enid huffed, Wednesday placed a hand under Enid's chin lifting it up and whipping away the tears, Enid blushed and smiled widely, Wednesday gave her a light smile.

"So, does this mean hugging is our thing now?" Enid chuckled playfully, Wednesday light scoff and removed her hand from Enid's chin, "whatever you say Sinclair." Wednesday hummed, Enid's smile grew wider, her cheeks were practically glowing with joy, she never wanted this moment to end.

Wednesday gave out a small chuckle and looked back up, seeing the blonde's smile made her feel fuzzy inside, and for the first time, ever, Wednesday didn't care...

Enid's breath started to pick up as her eyes slowly started to move towards Wednesday's beautiful, black lipstick, Enid was in dazed. Wednesday soon noticed and started to inch closer, possibly out of instinct?

The werewolf panicked and turned a hot shade of red, she'd back away from Wednesday, unsure of what was happening, but soon the wall of her closet hit her back, making her unable to escape, Enid was about to cry again, but when Wednesdays moved closer and placed her cold hand on Enid's leg, all the fear went away, the body melted into the touch, breathing out heavily, Wednesday smirked.

"Wednesday, w-what are you about to do." Enid stuttered, Wednesday fixed her posture and leaned in closer, fluttering her eyes, seductively. Enid's blush grew as she unleashed her colorful claws, Wednesday turned a light shade of red, glancing at the claws for a moment, before continuing to move closer.

"Wednesday..." Enid slightly groaned as their lips were merely centimeters apart, Wednesday breathed into Enid's face and looked her in her eyes, Enid knew what Wednesday was asking for. The werewolf nodded, preparing for what to come.

Wednesday pressed her lips against the redness of Enid's, the kiss was warm and passionate, both of them finally closing their eyes and submitting to each other. As the kiss lasted longer their bodies began to melt into each other, Enid griping the shoulders of the girl, while Wednesday's grip on Enid's thigh tightened, the werewolf groaned as the tension in her thigh grew, Wednesday smirked as they kissed, Enid could feel the smirk on her lips, she'd internally roll her eyes.

When the moment was over, Enid finally opened her eyes and removed her hands from Wednesday shoulder, Wednesday got the signal and removed her lips from Enid's taking a few breaths, Enid did the same as she gripped her sweater, she couldn't believe that just happened, Wednesday thought the same.

The pair looked back at each other, Wednesday politely scooted away from Enid unsure of her further reaction, Enid exhaled, preparing to talk, Wednesday listened.

"Oh god..." she whimpered, the werewolf didn't like to admit this to herself but, she knew she never had feelings for Ajax, and at this very moment she finally found out.

"Enid." Wednesday said softly, Enid sighed and looked up at her, her face reading all kinds of different emotions. "What are you feeling." Wednesday asked, she wanted to make sure Enid wasn't angry, she could never tell while reading someone's emotions. The werewolf angrily groaned and clawed the wall behind her, Wednesday narrowed her eyes, that answered her question.

"That answers my question, than." She hummed, Enid turned to her confused, "Wednesday no, I'm not angry at you, it's just these stupid feelings I have..." Enid sadly sighed, Wednesday scooted closer towards the blonde and began to speak. "Believe me when I say this Enid, I don't like these... feelings I have." Enid's face immediately saddened, "wait, you mean you don't like me..." she'd whimper, Wednesday jerked back, shocked. "No, no absolutely not, Enid stop reading into things and let me talk." Enid nodded and listened. "Enid, you are the first person ever to awaken such, feelings in mean. Everytime I see you, I feel like I'm about to lose my head." Wednesday grunted slightly embarrassed she was even opening up to Enid, the werewolf chuckled and placed a hand on Wednesday's hand, the girl sighed and continued.

"This whole week as been hell, for both of us. Enid, every signal day that you weren't here, my heart felt like it was being stabbed, and for someone who's already experienced that, literally, it's... not as pleasant as I'd hope it would be." Wednesday huffed, turning away from the blondes smiley face.

"Wednesday I didn't know you had feelings." The werewolf snickered, Wednesday immediately turned towards her and glared, "very funny Sinclair." Wednesday huffed, Enid chuckled and lightly stroked her thumb against the surface of Wednesday's hand, Wednesday looked down and blinked, she'd internally sigh and looked back up at Enid.

"I don't know what these feelings are, but all that I know is, they... feel natural, at least if I'm thinking with my, "heart" and not logically, of course..." Wednesday angrily grumbled, the werewolf sighed in relief but quickly saddened as she remembered something...

"We, shouldn't do that again." Enid sighed, Wednesday narrowed her eyes and raised a brow, confused. Enid bit her tongue and kept her head down avoiding eye contact with her "friend".

"Enid, explain." Wednesday asked, in an aggressive tone, Enid gulped and turned back to Wednesday. "What I'm saying is, we, shouldn't rush into things, we need to figure out these feelings... see if their permit or a one time thing." She'd lie... Wednesday hummed and continued to listen, "we should just try to bond with each other more... like friends would." Enid gave her a friendly smile, Wednesday sat in silence for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"I suppose, scientifically we should experiment, physically, mentally, and sexually." Enid was caught off guard by Wednesday's words, "w-what!" She'd yelp, Wednesday grunt. "It doesn't matter Enid, I'm just trying to say, I agree with you, maybe possibly these... feelings are only lustful, which I didn't know was possible for you're nature." Wednesday smirked, Enid awkwardly chuckled and blushed. "Oh, shush you." Enid quickly got up and exited the closet, Wednesday followed behind her.

"Friends?" Enid asked, smiling sadly, "...friends, but mention this to anyone and I won't hesitate to strangle you." Wednesday huffed, narrowing her eyes at Enid, the blonde chuckled...

But... this wasn't the end of their little "experiment" little did they know it would worsen overtime, and for both of them.

To be continued.

May have mistakes.

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