"Sinclair?" Wednesday grumbled, Enid yelped and jumped back, awkwardly giggling. "I-I'm just surprised you're wearing a skirt, uh, that's all..." Enid nodded her head, Wednesday side eyed the blonde, "well, don't get use to it, I've made an exception for only today, I don't wish to be trapped in such a ridiculous piece of fabric." Wednesday hissed as she'd fidget with her skirt, "ugh, why would anybody wear these clothes." Wednesday grunted, lifting her head back up and putting a huddle over her head, Enid smiled at her.
"So, where are you going?" Wednesday raised a brow, Enid shook her head and looked at her phone, re-reading the messages Yoko sent her, "uh, one moment." Enid kept scrolling, Wednesday huffed slowly starting to grow impatient. "Actually, Yoko didn't say, she said it'll be a surprise..." Enid nervously chuckled, Wednesday narrowed her eyes and growled, "that's never a good sign." Wednesday crossed her arms, Enid slightly nodded agreeing wit her. "M-maybe it won't be that bad?" Enid shrugged, smiling awkwardly, Wednesday scoffed and turned her gaze to the door.
"Well, let's go." Wednesday ordered as she opened the door, Enid trotted over, "oh, right, you lead the way, I don't know where Yoko's dorm is." Wednesday mumbled, holding the door for Enid, the blonde smiled and lead the way, Wednesday rolled her eyes and locked up.
"Oh come on, lighten up a little, I know you want everyone to know you're all death, and such, but for me, at least don't look so mad at the world." Enid chuckled, Wednesday huffed as she walked by Enid's side, "I have every right to hate the world, and to answer you're question, no." Wednesday grunted, Enid huffed and playfully rolled her eyes. "You're so Wednesday." Enid giggled, Wednesday lightly smirked. "I am the only me you'll ever see." She'd wink, Enid laughed blushing a little...
"Dudes, over here." Yoko shouted, waving their hand in the air, Enid smiled and ran over, Wednesday quickly followed after her, seeming to be more unhappy than she began with.
"Yoko." Wednesday said blankly. "Wednesday." Yoko attempted to put on a straight face, "h-how's my favorite Grim-reaper." She'd brush into laughter, "amusing." Wednesday huffed, Enid couldn't help but laugh along with Yoko. "Are you two done." Wednesday asked.
"Alright, alright.' So Yoko were do you plan on taking us." Enid widely smiled, Yoko proudly scoffed and pushed up her sunglasses, Wednesday stared at them unimpressed.
"Hopefully to a garlic shop." Wednesday evilly snickered, Yoko huffed. "So hilarious." They'd comment.
"Okay you two, be nice, or, at least don't try to actively kill each other." Enid nervously laughed, eyeing both of them. "I can't assure her safely the entire time, their with me." Wednesday looked around, Enid grunted. "Alright, let me just repeat myself, where are we going." Enid asked, again.
"Ladies and gentlemen, and they-thems we are sneaking out to go to a normies party." Yoko snickered, Wednesday looked paler than usual, Enid gulped, this wasn't good.
"Yoko, you just went out partying last night, and look how that ended." Enid said harshly, Yoko huffed, "I was fine, I had maybe three brownies, I bounce back quick, not my problem." Yoko shrugged, Enid annoyingly groaned. "Why do you, even want to go to this normies party, what's so special about it." "His house is near a lake, and possibly skinny dipping will happen." Yoko smirked, Enid blushed out of embarrassment, Wednesday looked disgusted. "Teenagers are disturbing creatures..." Wednesday whispered, Enid looked at her and gave her a small nod, agreeing with her.
"Yoko, what is it with you ad skinny dipping?" Enid curiously asked, Wednesday looked at her and whispered, "shouldn't have asked that." "W-why-" Enid tried to whisper back, but was interrupted by the monologue of Yoko, oh no.
"Well, I believe life is worth living and partying, especially if you're immortal, you should have fun every signal day, or else life just gets, a little too boring. But to fully answer your question, Divina might be there..." Yoko awkwardly looked away and blushed, Wednesday raised a brow.
"Okay, okay, Wednesday what do you think of all this? Enid calmly asked, she didn't want to go if Wednesday wouldn't.
"Normally, I find parties to be a horrible cramped environment where people are forced into each other, but with this being partly outdoors, I might consider it, if Enid will go as well, but don't expect me to assist you in, inappropriate activities." Wednesday hissed narrowing her eyes at Yoko, Yoko nervously smiled and nodded their head. Enid turned to Wednesday and smiled, whispering the words, "thank you" Wednesday turned away, unbothered.
"Yes, that's settled than.' All of us will meet in front of the school at 6:00 and Kent will drive us there, got that." Yoko scoffed, Wednesday rolled her eyes and just stared at Yoko, Enid politely nodded and the three said their goodbyes, each waking off their separate directions.
"Wednesday, I can't believe you said yes..." Enid lightly chuckled, Wednesday turned to her and hummed, "Yoko was right about one thing, so far, my life hasn't been as active as I'd like it to be, sure the thought of being cramped in a room full of people makes me want to throw myself into a wall, but, maybe I'll have more fun if you, teach me..." Wednesday mumbled looking away from Enid, the werewolf's heart melted as the smile on her face grew, she was actually getting to Wednesday...
To be continued.
May have mistakesAnyways happy holidays to everyone!

FanfictionIt's been a year since Wednesday has step foot in Nevermore Academy, due to the incidents of last year, most of the school needed to be redone, as well as hire new staffs members. Nevertheless Wednesday returns and is once again paired with Edin, b...