Chapter Fourteen.

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   "Kent, where the hell are you." Yoko whispered aggressively into the phone, Enid and Wednesday both leaned against a pillar, still waiting for a signal.

"Okay, okay." Yoko hung up the phone and sprinted towards Enid and Wednesday. "Yoko what took you so long, where's Kent, I'm starting to get cold." Enid whined, Wednesday grunted, "maybe you shouldn't have warn a dress." Enid huffed and ignored Wednesday's comment.

"The jackass isn't here yet, apparently he has to circle around and take the woods? Honestly, I don't even know anymore, just follow me." Yoko angrily groaned and dashed into the woods behind the school, Enid nodded at Wednesday and the two jolted for it, all of them ducking behind the trees and scoping the area, good no teacher in sight.

"Alright, he'll pick us up at Xavier's shack." Enid looked at Yoko confused, "how would you even get a car through there." Enid asked, Yoko shrugged and answered, "honestly that's god's work." They scoffed, Wednesday rolled her eyes and started to walk away from the two. "Hey, Wednesday—" Enid looked behind her and saw the that the raven haired girl was gone, she'd groan and followed after her. "Come on." She'd wave to Yoko, her friend immediately followed after her.

"That took you long enough." Wednesday said blankly, the two girls grunted and just continued to walk. "Were are you in a rush to go?" Yoko hissed, "away from you." Wednesday smirked, Yoko scoffed and crossed their arms, "fair play." She whispered, Enid disappointedly sighed as she watched the two.

As the crunching of the leaves, and pine needles grew louder a new sound started to vibrate their ears.

"Oh thank god, he's here." Yoko yelled as she started to sprint, Enid lightly chuckled and turned to look at Wednesday to see if she was alright, the girl turned her head towards the werewolf and slowly blinked. "Come on, let's go to this, party." Wednesday hummed, Enid smiled widely and followed after her, maybe she finally was brightening up.

As the two walked closer all that could be heard was yelling, Wednesday mood immediately switched, Enid noticed, and gulped as they both approached the two.

"What's going on?" Enid calmly asked, they bother turned to her and started to ramble on about how Yoko blames Kent for being late, making the whole situation tiring.

"If either of you, don't stop this useless bickering, than I will have to cut both of your tongues." Wednesday hissed, narrowing her eyes harshly, the arguing pair both stopped and nervously turned towards her. "Uh, okay, okay, you're right, we have a party to go to, uh let's just go." Yoko awkwardly laughed, slowly getting into the front passenger seat of the car, Kent smiled nervously and drives he should drive, no way in hell was he trusting Yoko, they were as blind as a bat.

"Good job Wednesday." Enid whispered into her ear, Wednesday awkwardly paused and felt the blondes hot breath on her ear, it made her shiver. "Order must be placed, besides they, act like children." Wednesday said slowly, as she entered the car.

"Hey, I heard that." Yoko turned around and hissed, Wednesday rolled her eyes in response, the vampire scoffed and turned back around, pouting.

"You're such a baby, and aren't you like 100 years old." Kent teased as he started to engine, "oh come on man, not this shit again." Yoko groaned, Kent laughed.

"This, is going to be a long ride—" Wednesday grunted, Enid looked over and smiled at her, "d just pack your patient." Enid bubbly said, Wednesday huffed, "what patience." Enid grunted and just shook her head at Wednesday the girl scoffed.

"Yoko." Wednesday asked, the vampires turned around and looked at her funny, "who's event are we going to, because you've failed to mention that." Wednesday growled, Yoko pulled on her dress and answer nervously.

"Lucas Walker's party." They answered, Enid immediately flinched at the name, "really, him of all people, Yoko I thought you knew better!" Enid shouted, Wednesday scooted away and watched.

"Oh come on Enid, just because he stood you up doesn't mean nothing, you were using him anyways, what's the difference." Yoko scoffed, angrily narrowing her eyes at Enid, the werewolf took offense to that, but was running out of words. "I- ugh you're so infuriating." Enid angrily huffed and leaned into her seat, crossing her arms, and flaring her nostrils. "Ha, I thought so." Yoko proudly smirked.

"I have to agree with Enid, he ruined the raven for the whole school, not to mention his idiotic decision of messing with me." Wednesday huffed, Yoko groaned and didn't answer, "it doesn't matter, maybe he's changed, who knows, and cares." "Okay let's just drop the topic, because clearly there are some differences, with this." Kent hummed, keeping his focus on the road. "The first intelligent thing you've said this whole ride." Wednesday hummed, Kent scoffed and Yoko silently laughed to themselves. "Great, looked like I'll have to babysit three children." Kent grunted, "hey, I'm not a child." Enid scoffed, Wednesday raised a brow, "that's debatable." Enid whined and rolled her eyes at Wednesday, "really?" Enid said sarcastically, "really." Wednesday smirked at her, the blonde blushed flustered and embarrassed, "uh-uh whatever." She'd pout.

Yoko and Kent bother momentarily looked at each other and smirked, Wednesday noticed this and narrowed her eyes, "that was... suspicious."

To be continued:

May have mistakes!

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