Club Night

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(Amaras Pov)

I was now sitting on my bed being fucking lazy. I'm still thinking about Leo. I don't even know why he's on my mind right now. Is it wrong that I want him to fuck me? I just met the dude a few days ago.

The way his mouth moved on mine and his head between my legs were fucking sexy. I have never felt this way with Antonio so why the fuck was I feeling this way with him. I groaned I just need to take my mind off everything and go to the club to get drunk as fuck.

As I was thinking I felt my phone vibrate. I picked up my phone seeing a text from Kelly.

Hot Bitch kelly: I'll be there in an hour be ready.

She's so demanding. Hopefully, I get a hot guy to take back to a hotel or something and have a great fuck. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I first turned the shower on to hot. If my shower is not burning my skin I don't want to go in it. After I found that it was the right temperature I stripped one of my clothes and got in.
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After my shower, I blowed dried my hair, and walked to my closet. I wanted to wear something sexy but not a dress.
I have been wearing so many of those. I decided to go with a black leather tank top that's cropped and showed lots of cleavage. I then found some leather pants that I love. So I decided to go all leather for the club.

(I'll show the outfit later on in the story)

I looked at the clock and realized I only have like 15 minutes left. I then went back to the bathroom to put some makeup on. I decided to go with a red lip, some mascara, and eyeliner.

 I decided to go with a red lip, some mascara, and eyeliner

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That took about 10 minutes. Which means I have like 5 minutes left. I walked out of the bathroom and walked to my shoe collection in the closet next to the front door. I put on black knee-high heels and grabbed a silver rhinestone bag to complete the look.

I then heard a honk of a car from outside and looked out the window to see it was her

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I then heard a honk of a car from outside and looked out the window to see it was her. I smiled tonight gonna be a good night. I opened the door and locked it behind me then walked to her car. I got into the passenger seat "Heyy girl" Kelly said "Heyy hot bitch" I said looking at what's she wearing.

She's wearing a gold sequin top that shows a lot of cleavage like mine and some blue jeans with gold jewelry.

She's wearing a gold sequin top that shows a lot of cleavage like mine and some blue jeans with gold jewelry

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(This is how their outfits look together)

"Ma'am you look sexy as hell," I said while smiling. She laughed "You look hot to girl, as always" I laughed with her. "Are you ready to get drunk and get laid tonight?" I said "I'm ready to get drunk the other part I don't know maybe," she said while starting up her car again and putting her hands on the steering wheel. "Soo what club are we going to," I said while putting my seat belt on. "Some club that just opened up I think it's called L.V night club," she said I hummed in response.
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When we got to the club and got out of the car my first thoughts were that this club was beautiful. Whoever owns this club did a great job. As soon as we were in the club Kelly said she had to use the bathroom I nodded and walked to the bar. "Whiskey neat please," I said to the bartender he nodded after a few minutes he came back with my drink. "Here you go ma'am enjoy," he said with a smile. "Thank you," I said with a nod after that he walked away.

It's been like 4 minutes and kelly hasn't come back. that bitch fucking ditched me I groaned. "Got stood up princess?" A man said from behind me. I turned around and saw this very handsome guy. He had blonde hair and brown eyes. He's wearing a white buttoned-up shirt with a few buttons on the top undid so it shows the top part of his chest. for pants, he was wearing some plaid dress pants.

"Something like that" I laughed he hummed "My name is sam," he said with a smile putting his hand out so I can shake it. "Amara," I said smiling back and giving him a handshake. "Do you want to dance princess?" He said putting his hand out again.

The Nickname is kinda weird but I need to get Leo off my mind so I'm just going to accept. "Sure" I smiled then got out of my seat and we walked to the dance floor. I think that whisky started to kick in because I was now grinding my ass on this stranger's dick while his arms were around my waist.

"You're so beautiful," he said in a whisper I smiled "I know," I said in response. He chuckled in response as we continued this movement. I must have been really drunk because a few moments later I could have sworn I heard Leo's voice.

"Get the hell off her," he said and suddenly sams hands left my waist "Sorry man I didn't know she was taken". yep
He's here I just stood in the middle of the dance floor. I didn't want to turn around and face him. I heard sam walk off and new hands were placed on my waist.

"I didn't know you were coming to my club, really wanted to see me huh," he said in a whisper in my ear. Wait his club? oh my god L.V. stands for Leonardo Valentino. How could I not have realized that? I'm so dumb. "I didn't know this was your club," I said with a groan "I wanted to get away from you," I said being honest. He flipped me around so I was facing him.

"Is that so?" he said with a smirk. "Yes," I said with a mad face. "Well looks like your little plan failed Tesoro," he said with a chuckle I just rolled my eyes at him. "What did I say about rolling your eyes Amore," he said now he was close to my face. I smiled at him, I started feeling dizzy. Everything in the room was going blurry then everything went dark.

Ayy almost 500 reads almost half way to 1000

Thank you guys for reading

What do you think will happen next chapter? 👀👀👀


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