I love you too

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Finally opening my eyes after I don't know how long somehow felt nice but waking up on a hospital bed with needles in me was not

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Finally opening my eyes after I don't know how long somehow felt nice but waking up on a hospital bed with needles in me was not. I tried to get up but I couldn't it felt like a brick was lying on my stomach and then I remember I got shot. My room was dark the lights were off but there was a little bit of sun peeking through the curtains. I tried getting up again and this time I finally managed. The monitor started beeping like crazy and noticed there was nobody in the room. Suddenly the door opened and lights came on blinding my eyes.

"Amara!" I opened my eyes again seeing a very familiar face. "Romona," I said with a smile. "I like to see you finally awoken Leo will be so happy. Oh shit, I almost forgot about Leo why isn't he here? I got shot because of him. "Where is he?" I asked her and she smiled. "My dear he was here for a whole week without eating, bathing and even changing his suit, he sat in that very seat next to you without moving so I had to send him home to clean himself up". He did all that for me? He was not taking care of himself for me. I looked at the chair next to me and tears started forming in my eyes. "I want to see him," I told her while wiping my tears. "I'll tell him to him right now but for now your father is here to see you".

"Send him in please," I said and she nodded walking out of the room. A few minutes later my dad walked through the door. "Dad!" I said with a smile. "I was so worried for you Amara," he said while walking up to me and taking my hand. "You don't know how worried I was I- I thought you were going to end up like your mother," he said and it made me cry. I couldn't imagine him losing both people he loves the most. "It's okay Dad I'm okay Leo saved me," I said with a smile and his facial expression changed.

"About that, I'm ending this arranged marriage with you and him I'm so sorry you had to force yourself into this because of me. You are way more important than that stupid business". Does he want to end my arranged marriage with Leo? The guy that I actually fell deeply for even if it's been 3 months of knowing him. "Dad I appreciate you looking out for me but I fell for him dad, I've never felt like this for anyone I even risked my life for him I can't just end this like that," I said calmly and he smiled.

"You know your just like your mother, very stubborn," he said with a chuckle. "I learn from the best," I said while tears started running down my face. " if you want to stay in this, who am I to keep you from love," he said and I smiled. "Thanks, Dad" and he nodded in response. "AMARA" a voice yelled from down the hall and I immediately knew who it was looking at my dad He knew as well. "I should get going get better okay?" he told me and I nodded with that he walked out.

I smiled as I saw the man I have been waiting for standing at the door. "Amore" Leo said while rushing over to stand by my side."Hi Leo" I said with a smile. "I missed you so fucking much Tesoro words can't even describe it," he said and it made me get butterflies in my stomach. He then grabbed my face pulling himself closer. "Can I Amore?" he asked and I nodded "You don't have to ask to kiss me, Leo, you never asked before," I said with a chuckle and he rolled his eyes. Then he pulled me into a passionate kiss with our lips moving in sync. "Gosh, I missed this" he groaned into the kiss his hands found my hair pushing me, even more, closer than I already was. "Mmm" I moaned in the kiss and then he broke from the kiss. "Why did you stop," I said with a frown and he chuckled.

" I have a lot of things to apologize for Amore," he said with a small smile. "You don't have to apologize it wasn't your fault," I said and he shook his head no he's so stubborn. "Amara It was my fault that girl from the ball come onto me and I wasn't fast enough to stop her if it wasn't for me you would of never have gotten kidnapped and I can never forgive myself im so fucking sorry Amara and I'll do anything to show you how sorry I am," he said with a smile and it made my heart flutter that he will do anything to show me that he cares.

I then remember him saying the 3 words I never thought I'd hear from a man that I've been very active with. "Did you mean what you said before I passed out that day?" I asked quietly not knowing that he heard me but I was looking straight into his brown eyes. He then signed and grabbed my hands then said some words that made my eyes water.
"I meant every single word Amara I know we have only known each other for a few months now and were going to get married in 6 months but I really do love you, I love the way you smile I love your lips that I love to kiss so very much, I love your body, and hell I love your stubborn ass personality that doesn't like to listen to me half of the time, I have never loved a woman like you this much and I didn't know I could care about women but that all changed when I met you". Tears were now running down my face "I- I Leo I don't know what to say" I knew he liked me a lot but I didn't know he liked me that much to love me.

"You don't need to say anything" Leo chuckled as he wiped the tears off my face. "I was thinking of letting you live back at your house since this is all over now even if that does hurt me a little" I really do miss my house but Leo has really changed my ways of life and not being away from him will suck and I love being with Gabi and Isabella.

" Leo you are not the only one that changed you changed me as well. before I met you I'd never felt a romantic feeling with any of the guys I've been with, I used men as sex toys even if that does sound pretty bad. Men only liked me for my body and I was okay with that because, to be honest, I didn't want to feel the love with anyone. I was upset about this whole arranged marriage but now you have shown me what love feels like and I would not leave that for the world let's face it ever since you ate me out in your office I instantly knew I was going to start loving you I just never showed it"

"Now I'm positive that I do love you, Leo"

"Now I'm positive that I do love you, Leo"

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