Come back to me

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                             *Flashback*Opening the door hearing soft sounds coming from my father's bedroom I slowly looked in seeing a woman on top of my father

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Opening the door hearing soft sounds coming from my father's bedroom I slowly looked in seeing a woman on top of my father. "Oh fucking hell just like that yes!" The women screamed as I heard my father groan. "Daddy?" young me called out making them stop and turn around. "Shit," they both said before the women hopped off of my dad and tried to cover them up with the sheets. "What did I tell you about coming in here Leo get the fuck out!" my dad yelled. My eyes started to get watery as I quickly shut the door and listened through the door. "He better not tell Ramona carlo I swear to god" I hear the women say. "Trust me Francesca he won't he's only 4 he will forget all about this" I hear my dad say before I heard their voices coming closer. I quickly ran to my room and shut my door. A few minutes later my dad walked in with a belt. "Why the fuck did you come into my room huh!?" he yelled as he slapped me with it making me scream in pain. "I'm sorry Daddy I'm sorry please stop!" I yelled as tears flowed down my face. "You have to learn your lesson, son," he said with a smirk as he hit me again making me fall to the floor. "Don't tell your mother that a woman was in my room or else you will get way worse and don't even tell your brother" he said and I slowly nodded after that he left my room slamming my door shut.

I acted like we were all a happy family. My father used to abuse me every time I did something bad but as soon as my sisters were born he stopped. On and off I would always hear moans coming from my father's room and they would always sound the same. Amara's mother was a cheater and so was my father. My mother and everyone else thinks my dad died by saving this family but frankly, he died because he was an immature asshole. I lost the love of my life because of him and I hate myself for it. It was been 2 weeks since I last saw Amara and I tried looking for her everywhere but there was no sign of her.

The day after everything happened I flew back here and found that she had packed all her stuff from the mansion and left. I decided to come clean to my family and now they know everything. My mother was very sorry I had to go through that and I was sorry that I had kept it from her.

I decided to drive to Matteo's house since he's supposedly dating her best friend and maybe he knows something.  When I made it to the front door I knocked and shortly after he opened the door. "Leo what are you doing here?" he said nervously as he smiled. "I need to talk to you man a lot of shit happened," I said as I heard voices coming from behind him. It was Amara and Kelly with Jessica. Matteo realized and walked out before shutting the door behind him. "I can explain," he said with a smile making me glare at him.

"What the fuck is she doing here Matteo?" I asked. "Kelly told me that Amara needed to get away from you and since you know where Kelly lives they both are staying here," he said slowly making me grab him by the neck and slam him against the wall. "What the fuck Matteo!" I yelled, "You're supposed to be my best friend and you work for me and you hide this from me?" I yelled again as he was now struggling to breathe. Suddenly the door opened revealing Amara. "Let him fucking go Leo right now," She said making me drop him as he sat there holding his neck. "Amara baby..." I said softly making her roll her eyes.

"Go inside Matteo let me talk to him," she said as he got up and ran inside. "Leave me the fuck Alone Leo I want nothing to do with you anymore," she told me as she crossed her arms. "Amara please let me explain there's so much more I want to tell you," I said as my eyes started to get watery. What the fuck? I never cry. "Leave Leo and never come back here again," She said as she shook her head and turned around to head back inside. "I was abused Amara" I whispered making her stand still and drop her hand from the door knob.

"When I found out your mother was secretly sleeping with my dad he took his belt and hit me multiple times so I wouldn't tell anyone. It went on for years until Isabella was
born. Your mother didn't come around at all after Gabi was born so I just thought that my dad wanted to be loyal to my mother for once but turns out it's because your mother died. My dad got depressed and lied to my mom and saying it was because of work but it wasn't. My dad threw a contract at my face when I was 12 and told me that I would be marrying a beautiful girl in my future and he was right I'm so fucking sorry that I kept it from you baby I am" everything was out now she knows everything.

She turned around slowly as tears were running down her face making me want to fall apart seeing her like that. She then ran to me and jumped into my arms while hugging me tightly. "I'm so sorry Leo I didn't know you went through all that just because my mother was a horrible person" she cried in my arms as I held her feeling so happy I'm holding her again. "It's fine baby all I want is for you to come back to me please that's all I want" I whispered as she pulled away with a soft smile. "Of course, I'll come back to you Leo I love you so much," she said as she grabbed my face pulling me into a kiss by surprise.

She pulled away as I dropped her on the floor and put my hand in hers. "It might take me a bit to fully trust you again because you know you did lie to me about something really important," she said softly and I nodded.

"Ill wait for you baby, I'll get married to you whenever you want and ill chase you wherever you go because you just have that control over me," I told her "You're mine Tesoro and I'll never let you go ever again". The door opened revealing Matteo and Kelly with smirks on their face. "You done yet? the foods ready" Kelly said making everyone chuckle. "Yes I'm starving," I said with a laugh as I pulled Amara close to me. "Also sorry about your neck bro ill pay you triple," I told Matteo making him laugh.

I made many mistakes in my life and my biggest one was ever keeping this big of a secret from the love of my life. I'll forever hold guilt but I'm thankful she forgave me and took me back.

Because In the end she's mine and I'm hers forever and always.

The end.

Ahhhh! Omg this is the last chapter and yes it's sad but now I can make new stories and ones coming very soon.

There will be an Epilogue and 2 bonus chapters but that's it!

I hoped you guys enjoyed and thank you for reading, this was my first-ever story and I'm so thankful for every single one of you.



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