I cant live without her

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Watching her in the hospital bed having oxygen tubes up her nose while being hooked up to this machine that beeps crazily every time something happens or goes wrong with her absolutely terrifies me

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Watching her in the hospital bed having oxygen tubes up her nose while being hooked up to this machine that beeps crazily every time something happens or goes wrong with her absolutely terrifies me. Seeing her like this makes me feel so guilty. If I had just stuck with her the whole time all this wouldn't have happened. I have been here for a week, she has been unconscious for a week. I haven't moved from my spot right next to her and I will not leave this room until she is up.

I'm glad I killed all of the men in France and I even blew up that building with most people inside. I had Louis held hostage. People are crazy if they think that after he aggressively abused and touched my fiancee I would just shoot him you would be lucky if you just get shot dead right there if you did that, that's the easy way out. He is held up by chains at one of my warehouses where Marco and my twin brother are keeping an eye on him until I get there. I'm going to torture him to death making his last days and hours a living hell like he made Amaras for a whole fucking week. The anger I have with myself for letting this happen kills me.

Having to call and tell her dad what had happened was the worst thing ever. He was beyond pissed that I let his daughter get kidnapped and I'm pissed at myself for letting that happen as well. Her dad was on his way here as we speak he works about 2 hours away. I had to take Amara to the highest-ranked hospital in this city so they would take the best care of her.

I stood up from my seat and looked down at her even if she was unconscious she still is the most beautiful woman in my eyes and always will be. My fingers softly stroked her cheek as I just stare at her. Suddenly the door opens and my mom walked in. "Leo you haven't left this room in a week," she said while walking over to me. "I know Mama I can't leave until she's awake," I said still staring at Amara. "You smell Leo you haven't taken a shower or even eaten anything in the last week she wouldn't want you to be like this," she said and I knew she was right.

If Amara found out I was doing this she would probably kick my ass. "But mam-" I spoke but she spoke before I could finish my sentence. "Go home eat and shower change your clothes mio figlio you have been wearing this same suit for a week now (my son)," she said with a stern look on her face I knew I was not going to win. "Fine Mama you win I'll go home but then I'm coming straight back," I said and she smiled then she pointed to the door and I groaned.

I didn't want to leave Amara like this but I knew I had to she wouldn't want me to not take care of myself but if this was a month ago she wouldn't care but we got past the bitchy side of her. I smiled to myself and walked out the door and made my way to the elevator.

When I got to my car I called some of my men to drive to the hospital to keep watch over my mother and Amara in case something happens.

When I got back home my sisters instantly came up to me and asked me a lot of questions.
"Is she awake yet why are you home?" Gabi asked "Why did you leave her at the hospital," Isabella asked shortly after. "She hasn't woken up yet but she is doing a lot better, Mama forced me to come home to eat and take a shower," I said and they nodded. Gosh, I guess a lot of people care for my Tesoro I wouldn't blame them she is one to love. After the conversation I had with my sisters I hung my coat on the coat rack and then asked them to tell the chef to make me something to eat then I walked up the grand stairs to my bedroom.

As I put my hand on the door to my bedroom sadness washed over my face. I turned over and started walking to her door. I opened it and the room instantly smelt like her. I was thinking that since the French Mafia is all gone she could live on her own again. I want her to live with me but it is her choice and I refuse to force her into anything she's not comfortable with this marriage is enough force for her. Gosh, she changed me I'm a man that doesn't care for people's feelings, especially women's feelings that's when I realized I can't live without her. She's my whole life now and I wouldn't change that for anything.

Before I left her room I grabbed some clothes for her since knowing Amara she wouldn't wanna be caught dead in the pjs she was wearing when she was held, hostage. I wouldn't want her to wear anything that that man gave to her anyway. I grabbed her a white mini dress and a black with green lettering jacket. I grabbed her, her undergarments, and a pair of white sneakers.

After that I left her room and walked to mine I placed her stuff on the dresser to come back to when I'm finished

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After that I left her room and walked to mine I placed her stuff on the dresser to come back to when I'm finished. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower to medium temperature as I liked it and then took off all my clothing. After that, I stepped in the shower feeling the warm water hit my skin. My mind drifts off into thinking about Amara again as I lather the shampoo into my hair imagining her doing it for me. Gosh, I love that woman so fucking much it drives me fucking insane. When she wakes up I want to make sure she knows it I want her to know how special she is to me.


After I was done with my shower that felt amazing since I hadn't left the hospital in a week. I wrapped a towel around my waist, brushed my teeth, and then walked into my closet to pick out a black button-up shirt and some black dress pants my normal tire. After that, I hung the towel back on the rack, picked up Amara's clothes, and walked downstairs to eat something. As I asked there was a plate of food waiting for me at the dining table. It was a bowl of chicken alfredo with a side of garlic bread. I thanked the chef because it was hella impressive to cook all this that fast.

After a few bites of my food, my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket and saw it was my mother. The worst thing came to my mind. Did something happen to Amara is she okay? I picked up the phone and put it on my ear. "Mama what is it" I spoke into the phone "Leo she's awake and she's asking for you".  My heart exploded she was finally awake. "I'm on my way" is all I said before hanging up and getting out of my chair. I don't even care if I finished my food or not. I picked up her things then I walked to the main door, grabbed my coat and exited.

Don't worry baby I'm coming


I'm so sorry this took so long I've been really lazy to write and I'll stop promising things that I can't keep💔

I hope you enjoyed it!!

Idk when the next chapter will be out please wait patently❤️



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