Chapter 1

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My name is Blade and I'm the oldest of my siblings. I am 22 years old and me and my siblings lived together in the same house after I took them in. Our parents weren't the kindness of people, but we loved them a lot. After I moved out and got my place, My sister Phoenix called saying how our parents kicked them out after I left. I told her that they could live with me for a while until they are old enough to move out.

A few years went by and my house started shaking randomly, freaking out my siblings. I thought it was an earthquake, but I went to look at the news and there wasn't an earthquake. During that time I tried to find out what had been happening. Ever since we have been living here the shake came every once and a while. The night that we all went to sleep wasn't normal for us at least. The house would shake or we would see a glowing light from outside and then it faded away.

I woke up and looked outside and saw that there was a hole in the ground in the backyard. Stairs were going down to who knows where. Me and my siblings went down the stairs and there were four portals with four key necklaces on display stands. The portals were tall and big. I grabbed the red key and put it around my neck. I looked closer at the portal and it matched the key perfectly, the key looked like any other key but it had spikes.

As I put the key through the keyhole and it fit. The portal opened and it was glowing red with a dark red swirl. My key started glowing the color of the portal. I walked through the portal and I blacked out. As I started opening my eyes the sky was a dark blue with gray clouds. I sat up and I was on this soft cotton-like grass or something. I started walking and there was an edge. I looked down and I was on top of a tree! I was about to walk off the tree and die. My heart dropped and I walked back for a second to breathe. I found a sunset-colored vine with mushroom leaves and slid down the vine to get to the ground.

The ground was a gay brown with gravel and what looked like tiny amethyst rocks in the ground. The birds chirped but they sounded different like more of a low chirp. I kept walking and I saw a village at least I think it was at least. I kept walking and saw people talking and trading with each other. When I walked into the village everyone looked at me and whispered. Then they continued what they were doing. I guess that didn't take long, but I have zero clue about where the heck I am.

"Hey, you person!" Someone yelled

"Me?" I asked

" You must be new here right?" The girl said

"Yeah, I am," I said

"Perfect, I'll show you around if you like." She said politely

"Sure," I said

She was a beautiful girl who looked about 20 or 23. She had very long black hair and tan skin. She had elf ears and a light pink noise. She was wearing an amethyst top and leather pants with a belt. I noticed she carried a sword with her. She took my hand and showed me around and her skin was very soft.

After a while, we ended up at this tower and it was covered in glowing flowers and mushrooms. There was a glowing light green-blue pond with lily pads with glowing yellow flowers. It was so magical. I looked at her and was smiling and her smile was adorable. There were sunrise fireflies. That's what the girl told me as one landed on her hand as the glowing pink light of the sunrise firefly shined.

"This is my place! You can stay with me if you want." She asked smiling

"Of course, I would love to," I said

"I hope this doesn't offend you, but what are you? Who are you?" I asked not trying to be rude

"Oh, how rude of me my name is Luna, and I'm a light pink flower elf," Luna said smiling

" That's a pretty name," I said

She was so calm and sweet. We walked into her home and she grabbed cookies and they were amazing. 

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