Chapter 4

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My body moved on its own as I saw the dark queen use her magic to kill Luna. I jumped in front of her and used my shield to save her life. I could feel the warmth of the magic on my shield as I stood my ground to save Luna and myself from death.

I opened my eyes, the warm magic was gone, and I felt eyes looking behind me. I turned around and Luna was staring at me. Then I heard a yell and I turned back around and the dark queen didn't look too happy.

"Why did she not die!" Iris yelled

"Who are you!" Iris yelled as her eyes stopped glowing

"My name is Blade and you must be the dark queen!" I yelled

As I yelled back the dark queen's anger was under control then purple and black smoke went around her and got bigger and bigger. Then a growl came from the smoke as lighting struck through the smoke. My eyes widened to see a dragon with blue, purple, and black scales, and glowing red eyes with a crown on her head.

"Let's finish this once in for all Amelia!" Iris growled

Amelia's face was in terror her magic grew bigger and brighter. Amelia growled in pain and fear.

"Let's finish this Iris!" Amelia yelled

As they fought each other we fought the mutated creature. After killing every mutated creature Iris and Amelia were fighting. Iris went on Amelia and pushed her down to the ground. Then Amelia's tail grabbed Iris and threw her against the wall. After watching the fight Iris went to her human form and passed out in the grass. Amelia turned back and went to Iris. It started to pour and we grabbed Iris and put her in her old room.

Me and Luna went home and she hugged me as she thanked me for saving her life. A few days passed and everything was back to normal. I went to the local library and read some books they had there. They were fascinating and very descriptive. I was there for an hour and a half I believe. I started to love it here and how there are things that earth doesn't have here. Once I went home I saw Luna and she smiled when I walked through the door.

"Blade, have you ever gone goblin-blowing?" Luna asked with a smile

"No, that's a thing?" I asked with a giggle

"Well, I got tickets for us to go!" Luna said

"That's crazy! I'll get ready!" I said running to my room

As I got to my room I changed into the clothes I bought two days ago. I was comfortable and it didn't rub against my skin as much. I loved it here and I didn't want to leave. I went downstairs and we left the house and walked to the goblin-blowing ally. As we were talking and walking I felt my arm move from my coat. My hand felt warm as I looked down at its hand and I saw Luna holding my hand. My face turned red and I tried so hard not to say anything. I smiled and she giggled. We arrived at goblin-blow and it was huge!

I thought I was in a mansion or something! Luna was still holding my hand and we went and got our bowling balls and the pins were goblins. It was the funniest thing ever. Before we started playing Luna went to get us food and drinks. I sat there and waited for her and I started setting up our profiles so we were ready to go. It was a new thing for me and I knew I'd get used to it at some point. I couldn't stop thinking about how Luna held my hand on the way here.

As I waited for Luna I got my shoes on and I looked up and Luna was in my face.

"Boo!" Luna said smiling

"God, Luna, you scared me so bad!" I said putting my hand on my chest

Before I could calm down Luna kissed me on the cheek! Does she like me? I didn't know what to think at that moment. Then we started eating and got to playing. As we started playing Luna went first and she got a strike in the first round! I was impressed and she was good at bowling.

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