Chapter Fifteen - Cleo

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Jax's Point of View

I was on the phone with Angelo when she was dragging me out of that stupid dirty burrito shop. Despite the shop looking infested with pests, the burrito itself was nice. It seems to have a delicious taste no matter how much the presentation sucked. She pulled me towards her while giving me her phone to take photos.

All I could hear was Angelo's voice on the other side but my mind was focused on her. Her jet black hair was the same coconut scent it always was. Her dark brown skin glowed effortlessly. She was perfect in every sort of way. I took photos in every angle, capturing her gorgeous beauty. I could stare at her all day and never get bored; she would always hold my heart in her hands. She could tell me to do something and I fucking would. She literally owns me. She owns every part of me.

I cut the phone on Angelo and moved towards her. I sent the photos to my phone before handing her phone to her.

"God, the view is perfect," she sighed under her breath. My eyes just lingered on her. She was the sole reason why I became better. She was the perfection in the view.

"It really is. You make the view perfect, baby," I muttered with my hand combing through her hair.

"We got to go. I have planned something else for us to do tomorrow, sweetheart," I stated to her leading her hand away. We drifted into the car and went back to the hotel. She was completely tired out of all the activities as well as talking too much. She slid off her heels and hit the bed almost immediately.

I had sorted the whole issue with Costa and given her the land I did previously own. She was a ruthless woman with a reputation that no one wants to mess with – the queen of fucking Europe and South America. Honestly, her entrance into the mafia world had stunned the whole world. Mexicans were considered the most misogynistic. So when her father decided to exclude her, it came as no surprise when she killed him and hung his head, establishing her power and dominance before starting wars and winning them with multi mafia leaders.

Aside from that, I had called Angelo to make sure that all the plans for tomorrow were all prepared in advanced as I planned before. I slipped into the bed and wrapped my legs around Nem's leg bringing her a lot closer to me. She had a coconut scent that drove me insane. Her face seemed to be peaceful and calm, opposing all of her usual feisty characteristics.

At around seven in the morning, my alarm went off and Nem woke up tossing herself across the whole bed. I leaned over the bed to turn off the alarm and got up. I kissed Nem's forehead before heading to the shower. After the whole shower and dressing up, I woke up Nem, who was ready to bitch slap me for waking her up at eight am.

"C'mon grumpy, we got to get going right now if we want to make it in time," I whispered into her ear while I grabbed her hip forward to get her out of the bed.

"Don't do that to me," she said hitting my hand away from her hips, "it gives me butterflies." I smirked, knowing that now my touch made her giddy. Who knew the black hunter had such a cute smile. If this got out to the underground, she wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Where are we even going?" she murmured tugging the duvet back over her body, in hopes of me letting her fall asleep again.

"A ship ride."

As soon as those words left my lips, she shot up from the bed like a cannonball ready to catapult while saying "why didn't you fucking say, dumbass?".

I let out a chuckle as she left the room and entered the bathroom. Fuck me. If she knew how much power she has, it would be more than enough to kill me. She's my weak spot but hell when did I care about seeming vulnerable to her. I heard the water running so I took this opportunity to call back Angelo and get an update on the business.

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