17. Silence

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***This chapter may contain Triggers for some readers! Please don't read this chapter if mentions of Rape are a Trigger to you

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***This chapter may contain Triggers for some readers! Please don't read this chapter if mentions of Rape are a Trigger to you. This chapter contains information on what happened to Ella a year prior.***

I watch as Leo gets us onto the interstate and wait to see if the emotions start running through me or not. They haven't yet and I feel like it is okay that I am not crying right now, honestly taking it as being ready for this new change. Here I thought I would have wanted to cry more than last night but I haven't yet or it hasn't set in. No I must stay positive.

After many miles has been put behind us and out of the city for a solid three hours, Leo shifts in his seat some and looks out the mirrors.

"Are you sure you're still all okay with all of this?" I look over to him better.

"Oh yeah. I am good with this. Trying to just think it is a way to make myself better and stop being scared to feel."

I can't help but giggle lightly.

"What?" Leo spares a quick glance to me.

"I have thought the same for myself is all."

"See guess we aren't so different after all." Leo smirks.

"Not at all. I think Nora is right though this is going to be good for the both of us."

Leo nods.

"Speaking of Nora." He stalls.

"What?" I ask him but a sense of dread creeps up my spine.

"What did she mean by the fact I don't know everything that happened last year?"

I swallow hard and thankful the sound of the tires going down the road at this speed mutes my gulp that would have been audible.

"You saved me." I finally reply.

"Did the prick actually succeed in raping you? Or are you still safe from that?" Leo grits out.

I rub my hands together. "Why don't we talk about this once we are further away from the city."

It is a suggestion and I know he won't push me or I feel like he won't push me. I just don't want him getting the bright idea of turning this truck around either an trying to hunt the guy down. I may not know where to start but I have a feeling like that wouldn't stop Leo especially since it was only a year ago and a frat house too on top of it, so guess it would be easy to find the guy probably.

"I won't turn the truck around we are already to far into the drive back and we have things that have to be done tomorrow before I have to officially go back on the job." Leo spares me a glance.

I take a deep breath and look at Leo before looking back out the front window.

"You stopped it before he got off but technically he stole my viriginity that night since his thing went inside me. It is the only time a man has touched me in that way as I have never had actual sex before then nor since then." I rush out and keep my eyes focused the road in front of us that seems to be never ending.


Total silence that has lasted for over sixty seconds based off the counting I have done in my head. That is until I hear grinding and look over to see Leo clenching his jaw. His fingers are gripping onto the steering wheel so tight that I have never seen such a shade of white, but I am more concerned if it is a possibility to break the truck.

"Why didn't you press charges?" Leo grits out.

"No one would have believed me." I whisper.

"I would have backed you I seen it. Nora believes you, I know she does."

"That may be true and the two of you know me but no one else would. It doesn't help I was so upset that my mind blocked out what the creep actually looks like during nightmares it is like I see his face but as soon as I am awake I can't remember. Plus there is no name for him either and by him not finishing there wouldn't be DNA, because he hit me so hard that it dazed me but I still remember him putting a condom on. So no one would believe me a shy quiet girl, with not remembering his face and no name. Every doushbag there was some top dog I guess so no one would ever believe it or just say 'Oh he was drunk' or some shit."

I hold my mouth, never in my life have I vented about what happened like that before. My eyes are misty but I can feel my hands shaking so hard. It feel more like anger than it does the scared, sad feeling I have had since it happened.

"I know you pushed him away or tried too I seen that and others should have heard you screaming 'No'." Leo huffs.

"That may be true also Leo but me pushing him probably didn't even bruise him. Besides not that it matters also because you pulled him off of me and whisked me away all while his thing hanging out. You still got a hit in." I shiver with the memory of it all still.

"Should have beat the shit out of him."

"Then you would have gotten in trouble because you know if he would have probably pressed charges too and where mine charges may not have stuck even with you speaking up whatever you saw and heard, his would stick for a fact." I point out.

"I heard you screaming once I got half way up the stairs when I went looking for you since I lost sight of you at the party. Nora was with me and gotten worried too when she seen me but we couldn't find you. She was outside the door when I pulled him off." Leo stops.

I take a take a deep breath.

"There is nothing either of us can do now it was a year ago or well a little over a year ago now. I have just tried to keep it in the past and focus on the future that I can control."


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