38. I Need

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Nora wraps her arms around my left arm just like we have done sometimes growing up while we walked together

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Nora wraps her arms around my left arm just like we have done sometimes growing up while we walked together. Pearl's behind is swaying side to side which gets me smiling so hard because she truly is a sassy girl with how she prances around when happy.

The weather is still very nice without needing to have a heavy jacket at all. Pearl tends to her business pretty quickly when we started walking, so this is just some time with my sister and the fresh air. It has done a bit to help me wake back up and feels good stretching my legs after the trip.

"How have you been doing really Sissi?" Nora looks at me.

I nod. "Doing good just like I have told you about. Mandy has even been helping with the shipping out with my paintings once they sell, she will box them up and print the labels off for me to where all I have to do is have the trucks come to pick up the boxes."

"That is great. How are you and Leo doing?"

"Very, very marvelous." I can feel my cheeks heating up. "Let's just say I have secretly thankful for all those 'haha' gag gifts of lace items. Plus, I may have went and bought some too."

"Perfect to hear that one Sissi." Nora laughs. "I love seeing the way he looks at you tonight and wanting to stay close at all times. Talk about the swoon factor and how you have brought out a side of Leo I never seen in him while we all grew up together. You can really tell the love he has for you just by how he looks at you."

"How is your love life going?" I am curious since the coworker moved out of town a couple months back.

Nora sighs. "The same as always."

"There is a but there." I can tell based off the sigh and the slight nerves that came out with her words.

"I don't know honestly. I had thought there could have been but then this guy seems shady."

"Who is this mystery man?"

"It is a guy that comes in to do medical equipment for my patients. We seem to flirt back and forth. Then I stopped the last time because I have been noticing this white line on his left ring finger, so I worry about if he is married and hiding it."

I blow out a puff of air. "You could ask while being discreet. It is something you are good at." I offer.

"Yeah, I done that and he seem to blow it off with a different question back to me." Nora sighs.

"Then I would say it could be a red flag." I can't help but be completely honest.

"Exactly. I never thought I would want love but my mind has started to change on that front the last little bit. Really what I had with my coworker changed it and got me thinking of more after he moved away."

"You will find someone Nora. When it is least expected. To bad we didnt have another life long friend to where we could do your trick." I shrug.

"When did my baby sister get so smooth?" Nora laughs.

"All thanks to Leo." I laugh. "Being with him has made me come out of the quiet shell and just truly be me."

"Well I am loving it so very much." Nora smiles.

Nora and I turn around to make our way back to the complex for the night. It always feels so nice to spend time with my sister and just talk to her in person.

Just before we round the last for turn the complex to be in view, a figure comes towards us from the opposite direction. I can tell it is a man but due to it being dark and only this street lights, but it is not bright enough to see the mans face. By the build I know it is not Leo but Pearl does seem to mind the guy so we just keep walking on the right side since he is on the left, and trust me I listen to Pearl. Dogs have the extra sense.

Right as the man passes us, his face comes into view and I clutch onto Nora's arm that has stayed wrapped around mine. I know that face and it brings back to many nightmares I had thought were over. Next thing that hits me is the scent of his cologne, it is the exact same from almost two years ago. Something I can never forget and it makes my stomach drop while twisting to tight.

"What's wrong?" I hear Nora's voice, as Pearl looks back to me and whimpers.

I can't find my voice but my feet pick up the pace.

I need to get to Leo. I need to get safe.

There is nothing else that comes to my mind. Leo. He will protect me.

The guy didn't seem to notice me but then again he was shit drunk when he forcefully took my virginity.

Tears sting my eyes and I can feel my hands shake, as my heart speeds so fast that it will probably run off without me.

"Ella slow down. What is wrong?" Nora has let my arm go and is basically running next to me.

"I can't. I have to." I can't get complete sentences out at all but thankfully Nora gets the major notice I need to get to her complex.

Right as I get close to the door, Nora gets ahead of me and turns the knob. I barrel into the complex and can't get any air in my lungs still as my lungs squeeze together tightly in my chest.

"What happened?" Leo jumps up from the couch and dashes over to me. Pearl is using her nose to bump my leg while Nora takes her leash from my hand with the front door shut.

"She started panicking out right before we made it back to the complex." Nora answers for me.

When Leo's arms wrap around me, it makes everything in me break and the tears I been fighting come rushing forward as a sob leaves my throat.

"Ella. Beautiful. I need you to breath for me." Leo's voice comes out soft and light as he picks me up and takes me over to the couch.

His hands rubs over me and I can make out when Nora brings a bottle of water over to place next to me, while sitting on the other side of me.

With no clue how much time has passed, I can finally feel my body start to calm down. Which is also leaving all the energy I had left start to fade very quickly.

"Beautiful." Leo whispers and I look up to see his eyes search over my face. "What happened?"

"It was him." I crook out.

"It was who?" Nora whispers, while rubbing my arm.

"T-the o-one that." My stuttering stops me and the thought catches in my throat.

"Oh no." Nora gasps and puts a hand over her mouth.

I knew she wouldn't know what the guy looked like but he is burned in my mind and Leo would recgnoize him with beating him up I would gather. As where Nora only knows the details of what happened.

"The one from almost two years ago?" Leo asks and I  nod. Thankful that is all he said because I think I would break down again. Right now I don't have it in my to break down, I would pass out instead.

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