29. Two Months

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Watching the plane leave had me feeling completely empty

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Watching the plane leave had me feeling completely empty. Never in my life have I felt that way before. Going home felt like it took so long and feels right to call this home, but weird because Leo isn't here. Almost like he has became my home and not just a house or apartment.

Needless to say, the rest of the that day went by with Pearl and I on the couch. I gave in and just ordered in a pizza because I didn't have the energy to cook or even heat something up. No with the tears, the sugary soda products, sad romance movies I needed the greasy pizza. I took those hours to wallow and felt like it was deserved.

All of this was two months ago and it is still not right not having Leo with me. It is funny how fast you can get attached to someone especially since you have known them all your life then get to be with them just about twenty-four seven to end up not being able to see them is so hard.

Leo and I have been writing to each other, currently that is pretty much the only way we can communicate. In these two months we have only got to face time once through the apps we set up together before he left.

Although, I about had a heart attack when I got to see his face for the first time just a few weeks ago. Apparently, there was a minor accident. When I send him letters just like all the other wives have talked about, we drop it off and their main commander sends it the rest of the way, which has brought me closer to the other wives to the guys with Leo. Which is not many at all since most of the guys are single apparently.

All the girls have been so kind and one of them, Mandy, has become a major friend for me here. She went with me to the one building to show off my works, that all sold so fast and got more people lined up waiting for their pieces to pick and buy.

Pearl has done so well, there is just some minor training I have had to work with her on. There were some words that if Mandy and I said she would go bananas which lead me to talk to a dog trainer and found out she had been trained with those words.

Like seriously come on, who in the world would train a dog to bark when hearing the word 'Picture'? To me it was plain weird but just things like that some words would make Pearl bark or like the one 'yeah' she would run. I am not a runner or well more like she dragged me through mud that day when Mandy and I were on a walk. So there was some training but now at least no unnecessary barking or just taking off.

Nora came up the first week Leo was gone to stay with me and Pearl. Talk about a hilarious time but also a hassle for her to get to the house. She got to stay for three nights before she had to drive back for work. The time was very nice but still wasn't cutting it like it always had before when Nora and I would be together for our sister time. My heart just missed Leo to much and I didn't think anything could be strong enough that my sisters love wouldn't comfort me completely. I had felt so bad about all of it but Nora smiled and loved the fact I was so in love.

That is when I figured out my feelings for Leo completely. It was all thanks to my sister and here it is to late because I want to tell Leo in person that I love him and see his reaction. I don't want to tell him in a letter or on the one time we face timed. Which has been torture because I didn't think this order would be this long I was thinking maybe a week or two not these past two months and there is no say about when exactly Leo will be back home either.

"What is for dinner tonight Pearl?" I sigh looking to my girl on the end of the couch next to me while I been wiping off my brush and my mind racing through the last two months.

Pearl's ears perk up and I smile at her softly. She has her kibble but I still let her have some human food every night for dinner. Plus the vet gave me a list of safe foods so she has kibble available for when she is hungry any time of day, which she eats in the morning, then at night she gets food with me.

We done ate everything that Leo and I made before he left. So, I have had to cook or order in. I have been doing better and even splurged getting a recipe book which has several great recipes I have fell in love with too. So every night I will flip through the book just landing on a recipe then make it up, because it is all basic ingredients that I keep now having money to buy actual food and not the cheapest, a good thing too with all the sales I have gotten here too plus Leo has the bills set up through his account auto thing and I will still help out too.

Dinner is made in no time with it being a thin beef steak cut in strips with bell peppers on a tortilla shell. Pearl is eating the peppers and meat I put in her bowl, while I put my plate on the table. Just as I sit down the computer next to me makes noise and I see it is Leo.

I click the button and smile wide. "Hi!"

"Hi, beautiful. How are you doing? That looks good." Leo smiles over the screen.

I can tell the cut on his forehead above his brow is right at healed.

"Doing okay, but missing you like crazy."

"I miss you too Beautiful." Leo sighs and then something must get his attention off to the side of him. I see his mouth move but can't make anything out.

"Sorry about that. What is that there you made?"

"No sorry needed." I smile and then go on to explain the cookbook and what the food is. Leo insists on us doing the same when he gets home.

"When will you be home? Any word yet?" I can't help but ask.

"We still don't know." Leo sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"You look tired." I can't help but point out.

"I am. We have been on the go with medics being needed on a constant. I just wanted to see and talk to you first while I could and we had access to the area here."

"I am glad you got to call."

"Me too."

Right then Pearl's head pops up next to me as she stands on the edge of my chair with her front paws. She has to get a look at Leo too.

We laugh and talk some more well Leo asks questions about things here.

There is something loud that comes over the intercom from his side and Leo looks up. His mouth goes back to moving but I can't hear it all.

Leo looks down at the screen and something is off by the look on his face. "I have to go Beautiful."

The screen goes black right after. A deep breath of air leaves me and I look at my food, not feeling as hungry now.

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