49. Guilt Hits Me

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If this drunk hiccups and leans over on me one more time then I may actually lose my cool

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If this drunk hiccups and leans over on me one more time then I may actually lose my cool. I have done pushed him off me four times and one more time makes me want to just push him off the bench into the floor completely. 

Sitting in the jailhouse has me worked up something fierce as I have no clue what is going on outside these place. Not knowing how Nora is or how Ella is fairing is driving me batty.

The guy from earlier has been staring me down the last couple hours as I have been sitting in a holding cell opposite of his. To bad the bars don't even touch each others since the police was smart to seperate us by an entire walk path, because I would surely do something stupid as I been worked up not knowing if the ones close to me are okay or not.

I lean over to rest my elbows on my thigh as my hands rubs my temples. There was a officer than cleaned my hands of Nora's blood before putting me in this holding cell.

How are they doing?

This is the worst of  the worst not knowing. I do know that Dalion was here within a few minutes of me being brought in. With where I was sat getting my hands cleaned I could hear him and the one officer arguing.


My head pops up and my legs spring as I stand up straight. A different officer I hadn't seen before gives me a short smile.

"You are free to go." He nods and unlocks the door for me to step out.

I follow him as he shows me out of the holding area. The one officer that didn't want to listen to any of us at the alleyway is staring at me with dark eyes. More like a glare that could cut right through a person. It doesn't bother me as I glare right back while trying to figure out what is going on with him. 

"Knock it off Tharw." The officer with me grunts.

"Easy for you to say." Tharw hisses.

"Knock it off or you can be in that holding cell next. Mr. Steele done nothing wrong. The owner of the store got us the tape quickly, so it is no ones fault but your nephews for lying, raping, and shooting. Also the lady he had done the worst deed to also starting speaking once her shock wore off." The officer with me hisses back at Tharw.

Shit. Now this is great to hear and all but I want to get my woman see how she is and how Nora is.

"Oh also I done put in word to your commander to clear the air. You shouldn't get in much issues." The officer looks back to me.

Great. I hadn't even thought of that.

I nod my head. "My things?"

"Right here. Let me know if anything is missing that isn't in the bin from what they took off you before being placed in the holding cell."

I look down and grab my wallet, keys, and phone. "This is all."

The officer nods and walks me to the front of the jailhouse. Dalion stands there pacing in the lobby.

"I gave him a call since I had his information from where he came in and had to fill out the sheet Tharw gave him." The officer explains.

"Thanks." I nod and he opens the door letting me out.

"Good to see you on this side of the bars." Dalion looks behind me and we see Tharw glaring more.

"Good to be out too." I reply.

"Don't worry about him boys. Tharw won't be a trouble anymore the Serg is going to make sure of that." The older officer that let me out tells Dalion and I.

We nod and Dalion makes way out of the jailhouse with me on his heels. We get to his car and I sit on the soft seat as a breath escapes me.

"How is Nora?" I ask looking over to him once he is in the driver seat.

"She is awake and doing well. The worst is the blood loss and will recover easily just needs rest and nutrients. If it wasn't for you she could've bled out." Dalion chokes up slightly before clearing his throat. "She is just as fiesty as normal you wouldn't even know she was shot honestly." He chuckles.

"Would know if something is wrong if she wasn't herself." I smile.

"They are some tough sisters that is for sure."

"Do you know how Ella is?" I ask not being able to stand not knowing how things have been.

"She is resting currently or well was when I left getting the phone call for you. Ella was a mess with worry and emotions your Mom brought her clothes and food since no one had a decent dinner but she changed clothes then Nora had her get in bed with her where Ella broke down before she went to sleep. When I left they were both sleeping wrapped in each others arms."

Guilt hits me hard.

"I swear those two could have been twins with how they calm each other when no one else can. Even their parents said that." Dalion sighs.

"They have always been like that growing up. What one may lack in the other excels in, they really balance each other out and one thing is for sure never stand in their way." I smile lightly thinking on everything when we all grew up together.

Nora went after one little girl that was picking on Ella one year in school. Or how Ella hid one girls books after getting into the locker because she had been cheating off of Nora's work.

Once at the hospital Dalion leads the way and once inside the room. Mom and Dad get up and hug me tight.

"We didn't know you were getting out Leo we would have came to get you." Dad pats my back.

"I got the call that is why I excused myself." Dalion smiles and nods.

My eyes zone in on Ella and Nora sleeping on the bed. Both look as peaceful as can be given what has went on.

"She hasn't ate. Well, neither of them have. We just got these two to eat." Mom points over to the side.

I see Ella's Mom and Dad slowly eating on some pasta while their eyes can't leave their daughters.

"I will be here all night. Why don't you and Dad go get some sleep." I suggest and Mom slowly nods.

"Call us if you need us son. I am going to get Milly and Shay to their house." Dad pats my back.

"We may stay the night with them to help. There is more food in the bags there on the counter all of it is good since it is pizza, we will come back with clean clothes and food in the morning." Mom suggests and Dad nods.

I watch and give Milly and Shay a hug before Mom and Dad all make their way out of the room.

Dalion takes a seat on the chair on Nora's side and I take the chair on Ella's side. A quiet breath leaves me as I move to place my hand on Ella's ankle that is curled up behind her.

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