56. Front Door

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The snow has finally melted as summer is coming up fast

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The snow has finally melted as summer is coming up fast. As the baby is due in just three weeks time.

So many emotions gather around me and pass through me as Leo is still yet to return home. We facetime as much as we can there have been some weeks that we couldn't talk at all but through letters. He loves watching me through facetime though and will have me stand to get a look at the baby bump that now has me waddle when I walk which he has laughed at seeing me walk to show him something while we facetime.

Our first anniversary has come and went as well. While we didn't get to celebrate it in person we were lucky enough to facetime. There is hope he should be home within the next couple days but I haven't got to talk to him in almost a week once again.

The entire event that took place on Christmas with Mandy has long since been settled as the guy went to jail for several years on several different charges.

Also I went to my hometown once since Christmas too which was to visit but also for the court process that got the guy in jail for what he done with that woman, Nora and Leo. There was video evidence of others he had raped and is now serving a life sentence behind bars.

A kick to my ribs has me lowering the paint brush. I clean the brush and then stand from the stool. Pearl perks up and joins me while I slowly walk the living room as it is the only thing that calms Kathlyn down. Leo and I have came up with her middle name but no one in our families know her name just yet.

Pearl goes to the front door as I walk to the kitchen. Her ears are perked up and I take a drink of water watching her. A knock sounds from the door and it never fails to amaze me how good of hearing she has.

I open the door as Pearl barely moves, having also gotten a little protective with how far along I am. Mandy stands there smiling. Letting her in, she gives me a hug.

"Hope I am not inturrpting anything?"

"No, I stoppped painting a few minutes back to walk and get a drink of water." I smile as she closes the door.

"Good because I got a surprise." She smiles wide.

"Oh really?"

She nods. "Yes but I need to put this on your eyes then have you sit on the couch."

I look at the tie in confusion. Part of me is unsure on this as me and surprises this big normally don't go so well.


"I promise you will love it." She bounces in her spot.

I walk to the couch and sit down gently. Mandy places the tie around my head and I can't see a blasted thing. The day just turned to night as far as my vision goes. I hear footsteps move then it gets quiet. Time passes by and I am about to wonder what is going on. Just as I about pull the tie off my eyes Mandy speaks up.

"Not yet. Give me just five more minutes." Her voice sings.

So being who I am. The counting starts. I will give her the five minutes, three hundred seconds, but once I have counted the time down I am taking this tie off my eyes.

""Ready?" Mandy speaks up right next to me and it makes me lean over to the side not having heard her next to me.

"You know I am." I smile and she removes the tie.

"Surprise!" She says and my hand covers my mouth as I look into familiar eyes and what's around.

"Surprise Sissi!" Nora smiles wide as I try to get off the couch but fail miserably in the rush.

Nora helps me up and hugs me tight.

"When did you get here?" I can't help the happy tears.

"Oh, only about an hour ago. Well, we got to Mandy's first to gather all of this together making sure we got it all right then came here but I got to say I thought we were busted because my car is right in your driveway behind Mandy's but you never noticed and played along to our game the best you have ever done with surprises." Nora laughs.

All around is baby shower decorations in pink. Little ducks are along the kitchen counter top and pink balloons fill the air.

"We are going to have a baby shower." Nora smiles wide then claps her hands.

Pearl barks and then sits next to me while I stand.

"We slipped our shoes off and slid around on our socks to where you couldn't hear what we were doing." Mandy snickers.

"This is almost perfect." I whisper in awe looking at it all.

"We may not be who you need here to make it perfect, but will we do to making it better slightly?" Mom and Lisa pop out from the kitchen.

I laugh and nod my head and they come to hug me tight.

"Your Dad, Drake, and Dalion are here too." Mom smiles and wipes my cheeks from the couple happy tears that just won't stop. "I know Leo can't be here yet Cutie Pie but we all wanted to make sure you had something special before your little one is here."

"Thank you." I smile. "You are all so sneaky. How long are you guys here for?"

"Well Sissi, I am here until you deliver and maybe a little longer. I took all my vacation days that been piling up since my injury to make sure I was here with Leo being gone." Nora wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"Thank you so very much."

"You have at least Nora and me." Mandy smiles.

"If I can't have Leo here then I definitely want the both of you." I smile and they hug me in a group hug.

"We will be leaving back out tonight, your Dad has some business to tend to and I think Drake works some too at the golfing course."

"I do." Drake nods with Dad. "We all four car pooled and drove here through the night."

"Do we eat or do gifts first?" Mom and Lisa ask looking at Nora, Mandy and I.

"Food! This mama is hungry." I smile wide.

"Well Cutie Pie you get your pick of choice with all we got here." Dad smiles and waves to the boxes upon boxes of food.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

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