Twin Suns I

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In an old, deep-rooted forest that expands across a mystical land, there is a cliff in which lies a forgotten fortress consumed by nature. Long ago, this majestic fort was once a meeting place for a group of legendary knights that protected the land. They were trained to be the guardians of peace and justice but also were incredibly skilled in combat. It is said that one day the group suddenly disappeared, leaving nothing but the remains of the fortress they once inhabited. The fate of the knights is unknown, but if they did not perish altogether, it is assumed that they are still wandering the mystical lands looking for a purpose.

The sun was as bright as ever, and the forest resonated with life and colors. A figure was approaching the fortress, the first visit in decades. From a long distance, the figure looked like an angel; a bright light whose gleam was powered by the sun itself, and second by second it was approaching the fortress. As the figure got closer, the forest's colors became more vibrant, along with the birds and butterflies that inhabited the place. It was as if the forest had returned to its old glory.

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