chapter 7

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ahhh! i'm back, i know. shocking. anyway, if youre confused on what time im doing it at right now, i live in australia, i have for many years but started school in the netherlands, so my english is still a bit meh but my accent is almost entirely aussie now. (ive lived here since I was 4 and im 14. yes i am writing this in school rn.) ((also, yay. is sarcastic, yay! is actual like joy)) and this is gonna be juicyyyy.


after the ceremony, sophie only made things worse, like creeping into the nevers life, more specifically into horts life. why does she want everything i have?? not to mention the googily eyes at tedros, with blondie next to him. I also hate the bob, i mean, her hair was  shit earlier, but the hair flicked up at the bottom that makes exaggerated movements all the time. disgusting. also her face annoyed me.

"ok, i will admit i did some bad things, but do you want a truce?" sophie asked us, dott, anadil, hester , and i looked at each other. fine. "now, who wants a facial?" she held up a tray. FINE i will act civil for her.

the group of us walked past the archery range, specifically tedros, for some reason. and she did it again, only by herself in the cafeteria, dressed like she was going to a horse race. now she was acting all chummy and offered dresses. they looked terrible. yay! dott and anadil cheered. i do have to admit, i looked hot as fuck with that dramatic entrance into the cafeteria.

they served us this thick grey liquid today. it tasted horrible. then sophie opened up her fat gob again, only this time i was listening. "and weather good or evil, beauty is a full time job." aand hort was looking at her. i want to cry. he's mine!

i stormed out of the cafeteria, hort hot on my tail, following me into my dorm, i was a blubbering mess, mostly because i was mad. "you really need to sort out your fucking emotions in this god forsaken world hort!!" i yelled once he closed the door.

"woah, what-"

"cause its effecting everyone but you right now."

"woah, woah calm down." he said as my magic was starting to flow around us, so he hugged me to keep me calm. "what is all of this about?" he pulled away and wiped my tears.

"I like you hort. a shit ton. and i thought you like me too, now all of a sudden im not sure because sophie's in the picture now. m-my fucking sister. all because she came to her senses about being a never. not to mention i feel c-closed off to everyone, cause for the past few months, i've been t-telling dott everything, but recently i haven't cause i dont even know what the flying fuck is going on." i ranted, stuttering because of tears and anxiety.

"hang on, what gave you the impression that i like sophie more than i like you?"

"oh, let me think, just gotta rack my brain for this. was it thee long wistful sighs, googily eye stares or the fact that you never look at me the same way?"

he laughed at me. "i dont know what toxins you've been enhailing, but 1. who's your dealer, 2. they've been at you, you're always remotely close to her so i looks like im looking at her, but im looking at you, silly." hang on, what? I stood there dumbfounded, out of everything he could've said, thats what shocked me the most. "and i thought, you didn't like me  because you always roll your eyes and shake your head as you turn away."

"oh." i replied, completely stunned


"im gonna kiss you now."

"oh, please do." he replied as i kissed him on the lips.

the kiss was short and sweet and we pulled apart, before going right back in for round two, this time there was more lust and the kiss lasted longer. i opened my mouth and his tongue shot in, turning it into a full make-out session. we broke apart when the door opened to reveal a concerned, then shocked dott.

"i- wah- huh?" dott looked so confused so i shoved hort out the door. "i came in here to tell you that sophie has eyes for tedros, so you have a chance with hort, but i just saw you two sucking each others faces off,"

"yeah, long story." i continued to tell dott what has been going on with me and what just happened, and she told me that aggie came up to the table and dragged sophie away, saying they 'needed to talk'. weird. but whatever cause I JUST KISSED HORT!!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!

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