souda x reader new kid

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UltimateHopeBagels requested this!

You sat down at a desk in the far corner in the plain white classroom. Your tittle was the SHSL writer and you didn't really like talking to many people. You let out a soft sigh allowing your (h/c) hair to fall free in your face as you started another chapter of the book called "hunger games"

   You thought it was a fairly good book and were planning on seeing the movie. "Um...hello?" You looked up and saw a boy with a yellow jumpsuit, bright pink hair , And shark teeth. "Him?" Was all you said in reply as you turned your focus back to the book . "Um...I'm souda kaz-zuichi " "(y/n) (l/n) and I would like to know if you always stutter this much?" You laughed a bit"only around pretty people" you felt your whole face turn so red it would put ketchup to shame. "S-sorry" he said sitting in the seat next to you
    "Anyways I'm the SHSL writer in case you were wonder omg" you said calmly maybe you and him could be friends...."oh I'm the SHSL mechanic!" He said proudly. "Well class it seems we have a new student!"  Your teacher monomi said proudly as she walked to the froont of the board.everyone just rolled there eyes and half ignored her


You walked out of the school building holding your bag and siighed deeply. "Hey (y/n)!!!" You turned around and saw souda "oh hi." You saiid waving a bit "i-i was wondering i-if you u-uh w-wanted to go on a ..uh" you giggled at his stuttering "d-date with don't have to if you don't wanna!" He said "sure!" You said and a small blusjj came on both of your faces...maybe new kids aren't that bad....

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