crazy komaeda x reader

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Oh god....outta all the people on this island I Have to go feed that pshyco dude..but..I can't hate komaeda...I mean I did know him before this whole island problem.. "So (y/n) whatever he says don't untie him OK?" Hajime said "OK deviant art I got it" you called him deviant art because of his tie! It looks like the deviant art logo ".....just go" he rolled his eyes  "OK OK OK don't get your gallery's in a wad! Ha get it because on deviant art they have the ar-" "just go!!" By you sighed and took the food. Once you got there you walked in only to see komaeda with a huge grin plastered on his face "oh are you here to give me food how nice" "y-yeah here do you want me to feed it to you since your ..tied up.." OMG I MADE A UNINTENDED PUN " oh (y/n)-Chan I didn't know you were that naughty " "oi shut it now do you want the food or not?" i felt my face heat up "  yeah but -" "i m not feeding you so you can get a another way of eating" "untie me then" I...I wanted to untie him but okd deviant art told me not to.. "F-..fine" I walked over and untied him and as soon as I untied him he kissed me !! "Thank you little ray of hope"

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