makoto naegi x reader kind simple luck

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"Woah..." You gasped as you watched as your best friend naegi kept beating you at poker...I mean Celeste beating you , you understood but naegi winning was amazing to you! Even though he would let you win from time to time he'd still make you think a lot ..also it was VERY hard for you to keep a poker face. "Well (y/n) I win agian!" "No you didn't ! You cheated!" You yelled at him "n-no I didn't!" He said !

You to went in a hard debate for a while until you yelled "DEBACHURY!" His face went red "(y/n)..what the hell!!!" You just meowed in response . he sighed heavily. "But really dude how are you so...." "Lucky?" "Yeah!" He just shrugged and laughed a bit "and how are you so unlucky?" "I'm not unlucky I just...don't have the best luck!!!" you exclaimed. He laughed and you sighed . "fine I challenge You to a game of.................pocky" Nash is whole face went red "n-no!" "your just scared because I'll win!" you stuck your tongue out at him "fine.." you giggled and grabbed the pocky you keep in your jacket ((don't ask btw for those who don't know pocky is like ...a stick of...chocolate? Or something close to That!)) "ready?" you asked . naegi I just nodded . you put one end of the pocky in your. Mouth and giggled because you had a feeling you'll win! He walked up to you and put the other end of the pocky in his mouth . you bit off a bit and so did he . this had continued for a bit until he stole the rest of your end and your lips connected. It was quiet for a second until you pulled away "uhh..." you froze "I win again!" Nash I said...

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