Father-Daugher Activities

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All was dark in the Summer Home save for the starlight that shone through the windows, and the light that emanated from their newly installed television. From the combined efforts of Gabriel and Corsair, they somehow made it happen. Praise be!

Now Scott and his daughter sloppily occupied the couch, binge watching all the Twilight movies… for Rachel's sake. Scott wasn't invested whatsoever. Not at all, all he ever did was get upset at the mangy wolfman for stealing the pretty girl every now and then.

Okay, so maybe he was comparing the parallels between the love triangle in the movie to one he shared with Jean and Wolverine. There wasn't much to be drawn but oh, Scott was drawing circles. Currently he's not as bothered by Logan's infatuation with his wife as he used to be, Logan seemed to have moved on plenty of times before too. But it didn't stop him from being suspicious. That's why he rejected Jean's offer to invite Logan to live with them. The man had his own family, and by all means should be spending time with his children.

On another note, Logan and Scott got along fine here and there. But God was it so satisfying to see his face when Gabriel served him burnt steak.

Anywho, the father and daughter laid lazily with their legs sprawled haphazardly over the arms of the couch as Rachel levitated popcorn to their mouths. It was quite the sight to see. They were even wearing some leftover "Cyclops was Right" t-shirts leftover from a certain pink haired fanboy to go with their drawstring sweatpants. It was their Father-Daughter Day getup to let everyone in the house know to go away and leave the two alone.

"Hey daddy?" Rachel inquires in a slight monotone voice. It was getting late but she'll be damned if she doesn't finish these movies with her father.

"Yes dear?" Scott replied between yawns.

"When's the next Father-Daughter Day?" Rachel asked in response. She tilted her head up to look at Scott's shadowed form. Only the TV illuminated his features with a slight glare off of his ruby quartz glasses.

Scott gently lifts his glasses with his eyelids squeezed shut so he could run his eyes with the back of his hand. "Don't know sweetie, how about next weekend?"

"I thought next weekend was Father-Son Day for you and Nathan? Rachel objects, raising an ample brow. "You haven't forgotten have you?"

"Whaaat?" Scott snorts in disbelief. "No I haven't."

"Hm…" Rachel briefly skims the outer thoughts of his mind and comes to the conclusion that he has. "Liar." she states as she lazily punched his arm.

Scott sighs and rolls his head toward the ceiling. "Alright, alright, so I did. Just don't tell him that though."

Rachel laughed a bit, both out of deliriousness and at her father's forgetfulness. She knew he didn't mean any harm by it, but when you had to make up lost time for your time traveling kids, you did what you could. And Scott tried his very hardest.

"Daddy?" Rachel asks again. She shifted her position so she could look him directly in the face. Scott then felt his daughter's eyes on him and turned to look her way. "Yes dear?"

"I love you." said Rachel with her sparkly green eyes-- her mother's eyes, and her father's smile. The comment came out of nowhere but it didn't go unwelcomed. In truth, she hardly said that to him and Scott's heart swelled. "I love you too." he replied, returning the smile.

He put an arm around her as they snuggled close and put their attention back onto the TV. And the whole rest of the night they stayed like that.

The next morning, Jean found them snoring on the couch with snacks littered around them while the select screen for the movie played on repeat. If it wasn't for the sweet sight, Jean would've been upset about the mess but she cleaned up after them anyway. She was careful not to wake them and even brought over a cozy blanket so they could sleep in for the day.

Jean would find a way to excuse Scott from his leadership duties in the time being, so Magik would have to pick up the slack. That was okay for Jean as she gave them a kiss to the cheek each, Father-Daughter Day was important. And God knows how much these two need it.

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