Chapter 2

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Two birds landed on the window sill of Riccardo's room and chirped. Light beams of sun fell in the room through window.

After an hour Riccardo woke up when he heard the ringing of the phone, he picked up the phone from the night stand answering it quickly didn't want his princess to wake up.

"Due to some problem I didn't come home. I'll be home by tomorrow." he answered while getting out of the bed.

"Tell your brothers to change their behaviour as I'm bringing a surprise for them." he said and hung up the call without listening answer of his son.

He said for his sons to change behaviour because he didn't want this little girl, his princess to be more traumatized, she has already been through so much now he wants to give her all the happiness she deserves.

He wants her to live in the best environment and for that they have to change their way of living and most importantly they have to change themselves.

But, they will still be the same for the outsiders.

He tried waking her up but she made small noises then pushed herself inside the blanket.

"Princess wake up." He gently removed the blanket from her head.

"Don't you want to go my home and meet my babies." he purposely said this 'cause all night she was very curious to know about his sons and kept throwing different questions to him.

"Yes, yes me want to know about your babies." she sleepily squealed.

He explained her many times that they are not babies but at last he gave up explaining her.

He carried her in his arms when she made grabby hands. She placed her head on his shoulder and her bunny clutched in her small hands, dangling in the air.

He walked inside the bathroom and made her sit on the counter.

"Let's get you ready for bath." He said and opened the tap to fill the tub then tried taking her bunny.

"Mr. Bunny" she said teary eyed.

"I'm not taking it from you I will just keep it on the bed otherwise it will get wet." He told her softly and she nodded after a minute of thinking and give it to him.

After placing her bunny on the bed he came back and then asked her gently

"Can I remove your clothes."

This triggered one of her memory with her master. She started crying and said

"It hurt so bad, master give ouchies when he takes my clothes."

Riccardo wiped her tears and said
"I will not hurt you in any way as I told you before" he said softly.

Then he remembered something and went inside the room and came back with a small cardboard box and one purple ball.

He placed the box on the floor beside the tub. And took out four small fish toys and a mermaid toy.

When Celestia's gaze went on those colorful toys she gets curious and fascinated by them. She likes colorful things not too much bright colors but soft colors.

"What this?" She asked and tried getting down the counter.

He hurriedly came near stopping her from getting down.

"Baby you will never try to get down like this. Whenever I make you sit on a place or hide you, you won't move from there" he said then picked her and made her stand in front of him.

He crouched down to her height and asked

"Now can I remove your clothes."

She shook her head and stepped back with tears in her eyes.

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