Chapter 9

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Riccardo picked her up in his arms, her rabbit in her arms, and went downstairs to the kitchen and made her on the kitchen island and asked

"Do you want to eat something?"

Celestia thought for a second then remembered those colorful things. She scrunched her nose and tried to pronounce 'fri-' she shook her head in no then mumbled 'frus'

"It's fruits princess." said Riccardo making her look at him in amazement.

'How can he hear my mind', thought Celestia.

"You mumbled so loud baby"
replied Riccardo while chuckling and Celestia blushed embarrassingly.

Riccardo turned away and went towards the refrigerator, opening it he ran his eyes on each floor and finally he got what he is looking for. He took a transparent container of berries and picked up a banana. He shut the door of the refrigerator with his leg. Placing them on the kitchen island he turned and opened one of the shelves to his right and took out chocolate sauce.

He sliced some berries and a banana on the chopping board then transferred them to a small bowl and drizzled chocolate sauce on them.

"Here, I made a bowl of sliced berries, banana, and chocolate sauce. You will love it." said Riccardo to her and made her sit on the chair with the kitchen island, passed the bowl in front of her, and handed her a fork.

Celestia looked at the fork confusedly as she haven't ever used cutlery. Riccardo understood her problem so he took a seat on the chair next to her and took the fork from her then fed her.

She loved the taste of what Riccardo prepared for her, she happily chewed it and opened her mouth wide for more, Riccardo laughed at her antics and feed her.

After she completed eating Riccardo put away the
bowl n' fork in the sink. He picked her up in his arms and then wiped her mouth clean.

They went outside the kitchen towards the living room and sat on the sofa. Placing Celestia on the sofa from his arms he got up and switched on the tv and selected a cartoon channel, Mickey Mouse is playing.

"Princess you watch the cartoon I will come back in some minutes." said Riccardo softly to her and she nodded.

Celestia attentively watched the characters and bobbed her head whenever the theme song played. She saw characters dancing and she loved the song and dance so much that she started bouncing on the sofa happily while trying to copy their moves.

She slid out of the sofa and stands up and again starts dancing copying their moves and lipsing the song. A happy smile is present on her face.

Alessandro came downstairs and saw her dancing and trying to sing on Mickey Mouse tune. She looked cute and happy, the sight warmed his heart. She is freely enjoying what other kids do.

He comes and stands near the sofa at an angle that he can take a video of her. He started recording her, his lips curved in a smile. Stopping the recording and pocketing his phone he went near and picked her up in his arms.

She shrieked in fright, tears formed in her eyes but relaxed once her eyes went on Alessandro's face.

Alessandro felt bad seeing her beautiful eyes teary.

"I'm sorry amore I didn't mean to scare you." he said in a sad voice.

Celestia nodded and hugged him tightly, he gets seated on the sofa and caressed her back, and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You dance well amore." He compliments her making her blush.

Alessandro chuckled and this time kissed both of her soft and rosy cheeks then hugged her close to himself.

"Did you like the cartoon?" he asked and she mumbled 'yes'.

"Do you know you can meet them." he said pointing at the characters playing on screen.

She looked at him with wide eyes and asked "Where?"

"There's a world, magical world for kids called Disney World. All the characters live there that you watch on TV."

Alessandro told her animatedly and Celestia looked at him attentively, eyes shining. He chuckled looking at her facial expressions.

"When all your bruises will heal I will take you to that world. There will be lots of rides and many more things to enjoy. You will love it." he said and promised himself that he will take her there once she is healed.

"I wanna go." She bounced happily in his lap, and he nodded while holding her so she doesn't fall from his lap.

"Yes amore I will take you"

Celestia squealed happily and gave a big kiss on his right cheek which produced a sound.

He cringed a little due to the saliva she left on his face but he shrugged as he knows babies do give kisses like this. He is happy to be the first to get a kiss from her.

"You will give kisses only to your brothers and papa. Don't give to anyone else. Do you understand?" He cupped her face with both his hands and asked to which she nodded happily.

"Good. Now give me another kiss on this cheek." He said and forwarded his left cheek to her.

She gives him a big kiss on his cheek just like she did before and then giggled.

Alessandro hugged her close to him and they watched the Mickey Mouse together while cuddling.


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