Chapter 3

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Celestia woke up in midnight due to nightmare. She turned to her right to find Ri-Ri as he always helps when she have nightmares but his side is empty.

"Ri-Ri" she mumbled sleepily while patting his side on bed.

Thoughts about Ri-Ri leaving her started coming in her mind. She carefully gets down the bed with her bunny in arms, her soft yellow nightgown with white flowers print riding up a little while getting down.

She waddled due to her injured leg and walked to the door of room, stretching her body up she clutched the knob and rotated it but her small hands weren't able to rotate it whole around.

Finally she opened the door, walking out she saw no light but that didn't stop her, tears started filling her eyes as she can't find him.

She sat on the floor beside a door of another room. She kept crying holding her bunny and then calling in her baby voice "Ri-Ri....Ri-Ri"

As the house is silent her low voice can also be echoed.

The eldest son, Alessandro, heard some voices from outside, thinking it to be intruders he took out his gun from under the pillow and silently walked towards his room's door, he twisted the knob slowly and peeked out but he found no one.

Now he can hear the sound clearly, it's not of someone whispering it's the sound of soft sobbing. He opened the door wide, he saw no one in the dark. He concentrated on sound, it is coming from his left.

He turned left and found no one. He heard some mumbles like "Ri..Ri..."

He snapped his head down and found a small figure sitting a few meters away from his room.

Walking back inside his room, he switched on the lights of his room and kept the gun in the drawer of nightstand. The lights went out of his room spreading a little in the hallway Then walked out of his room and slowly went near the figure, it's a small girl in yellow nightgown with a bunny clutched in her arms, tears were streamed down her face, tendrils of her golden-brown hair covering her face from side, his gaze then went on the plastered right leg and few bandages on her her hands hands and a bandage on he left knee.

He fisted his hand in anger thinking as to who can hurt a small child. Controlling his anger he gently crouched down in front of her and tucked the tendrils behind her ears.

She looks so beautiful and innocent. He felt an urge to protect her, care for her and love her. He softly caressed her soft cheeks, they are are more soft than silk or cotton.

Celestia felt someone touching her, she flinched on instinct. Opening her eyes red puffy eyes she saw a man crouching in front of her. She is mesmerized by te color of his eyes but gets scared as he is not her Ri-Ri. She started sobbing loudly in fear pushed herself deeper in the wall, curling herself in fear.

Alessandro was stunned by seeing her reaction. He started thinking some ways to comfort her then he reached out his hand to her face and wiped her tears.
As he is felt a pinch of pain in his heart seeing her sobbing.

She was surprised as he didn't hurt her, she thought he was going to slap her.

"Kid, how did you come here?" He asked calmly holding her chin in his two fingers.

"Ri-Ri..." she mumbled tiredly and Alessandro saw it.

"Will you come to my room?"
He tried asking in a soft voice.

She said whimpering "you no give me ouchies"

"No kid I will never do that"
He understood that someone has abused her.

"Come" he forwarded his and she saw his face, he looked pretty and nice maybe he will not give me ouchies so she cautiously made grabby hands with her bunny clutched in her small right fist.

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