Chapter 11

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"Why is she calling you dada!"

Someone shouted from behind them, Alessandro freezes in his place and Celestia flinched due to loud voice, a whimper left her mouth.

Alessandro saw this and turned around to Clemente and glared to which he mouthed 'sorry'. Stephan had a blank face and Alejandro had a smirk on his face.

"Sorry my sweet cupcake" said Clemente and kissed her forehead lovingly.

Alessandro started thinking how to explain them. He let out sigh and started repeating what Celestia said to him before.

Clemente laughed a little then said "Let's see what dad will do."

Alessandro cursed in his mind listening to him. Then looked at Celestia who kept eating messily without any care. She looked up when she felt eyes on her, it was her dada then turned her head right to see three more familiar faces.

Her attention stuck on Stephan, she tried remembering him, she shrieked when she remembered. Chewing the bite fastly in her mouth she started crawling towards Stephan on the kitchen island. Then sat down and made grabby hands to him.

Stephan was in shock a little because she wanted to be in his arms. He looked at Alessandro who give a nod to him so slowly moved forward and took her carefully in her arms and all the while she kept looking at his face and especially his beautiful golden brown eyes.

"Be-utiful Goldiee.."

she squealed while slapping both her palms on his cheek then pulled him forward which made his face squeeze a little and his pink lips turned into pout.

Clemente let out a chuckle "goldie....pftt"

Stephan glared at him so he tried to suppress his laugh then turned towards Celestia when he heard a compliment from her

"Your eyes be-utiful"

Stephan's ears turned pink and hue of red covered his cheeks. He never felt like this with anyone, not even the girls he spend time with. He felt warm in his heart at her compliment.

Clearing his throat he said
"Thank you fiorè."

He placed a peck on her cheek, now it is her turn to blush. Everyone laughed at this. Stephan took a seat on the chair with her in his arms.

Alessandro served sandwiches in plates that he kept for them.

"Amorè come here let Stephan eat his food." called Alessandro but Celestia looked up to Stephan then at his plate.

She slowly moved towards Alessandro's open arms but Stephan intertwines

"Its ok let her stay in my lap. I don't have any problem." told Stephan and carefully held her in his lap.

Celestia smiles at him while Alessandro nodded. He carried his and her plate then takes a seat on the stool beside Stephan.

He made Celestia eat while having his sandwich.

"Me and Dad decided to take her hospital tomorrow. She needs a full body checkup."
said Clemente and took a bite of sandwich.

"That'll be good." responded Alessandro nodding his head.

Stephan cleared his throat and said " You can take her to Ms. Blooms. She is a kind and good doctor for kids."

"Is this the same Ms. Blooms who threw egg on you" commented Alejandro while laughing.
Stephan blushed in embarrassment. While Clemente smirked knowing what must have happened to receive an egg.

Alessandro didn't understand as to what he did to receive an egg while Alejandro was trying to stop his laugh.

Alejandro started saying after stopping his laugh

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