Chapter 10

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"Wake up, Aless"

I grunted when I felt someone shaking me, I  hugged my amorè more close to me.

"Wake up"

I squinted my eyes open and saw dad and Arthur standing in front of me. Then I looked down in my lap saw her snuggled in me, she looked so angelic and innocent. I think we slept while watching television.

"What happened?" I questioned, my voice felt sleepy.

"We are going out, Marcello and Damian are out with their friends, Domenico went for some work and Clemente in the back garden with Stephen and Alejandro discussing something." told Dad and Arthur kept looking at her sleeping form in my arms. His expression soft but when he caught my gaze on him he schooled his face back to emotionless.

I know something is troubling him. I'll talk to him later.

"You should go and sleep in your room with princess, you haven't got much rest since last week."

"Yes dad." I replied and carefully stood up with her secure in my arms. Dad placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Take care" said Dad and proceeded to go out with Arthur.

I nodded then watched them walk out the main door.

I climbed upstairs to my room and placed her on the bed then switched on the air conditioner, set a normal temperature which is not too cold for her.

Laying on the bed I pulled her close to, she snuggled more into me placing her small hand on my chest. I felt a certain peace with her, pulled the blanket on us.


I feel weight on my chest, its like something placed on my chest. I moved my hand on my chest but can't hold anything.

Then I felt my hair pulled, making me wince. I grunted and opened my eyes slightly and saw amorè sitting on my stomach, her hand in my hair.

"What are you doing amorè?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Al-ee-shh-andd-ro hair soft." she tried pronouncing my name. Though it was wrong pronounciation but I felt very happy listening to her.

"Dro-Dro" she mumbled but then shook her head and squealed "Dada"

I was left shocked when she called me 'Dada'. She kept looking at me, waiting for my response.

I don't know what to say. I've never encountered this type of situation.

I cleared my throat and said softly "Baby, I'm not your dada."

She looked at me with a cute confused face, slowly her face changed to sadness.

"I bad so you no my dada." she mumbled sadly. I slightly understood what she was trying to say and felt bad for her.

"Baby you're not bad" I said to her caressing her face.

"Do you know what 'dada' means?" I asked and she shook her head.

"It means papa or father." I told her but she clinged onto me and said
"You warm, safe to me so dada, Ri-ri sweet, protect me so papa.

"....." I was again surprised by her explanation. Childrens mind work differently. May be she felt fatherly feeling from me and Dad too.

It's okay, I don't mind being her dada. It makes me feel more protective of her. I never felt this feeling before but I'm loving it.

"You can call me dada" I said releasing a sigh at the end. She placed kisses
[muah, muah] on both my cheeks.

I hugged her close to me making her fall on my chest.

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