January 4th

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January 4th

Dear boy with the zealous grin,

I learned something new today. It's hard to believe that this happened all because of an assignment. Who would have thought? But today, I learned what that funny feeling I got when you'd smile at me with your quirky and crooked grin meant. Did you know that it was actually my teacher that pointed it out to me when she was checking over some of my work? Over the entire semester she was reading my work and each time she would give this knowing look that left me puzzled.

Anyways, I saw you today, sitting in that crook in the library with an actual smile on your face. Then you beckoned me over your movements far too rushed for normal. Congratulations on being senior basketball captain. I know you really worked hard for it. The bubbly energy that just crashed in waves off of you practically fueled me for the rest of the day.

Did you feel the awkwardness between us today? Did you feel nervous talking to me like I did to you? I don't think I could have handled one of those hugs from you today. My heart practically leapt out of my chest at the mere sight of you, how could I possibly handle being in your warm embrace? My cheeks are burning at the thought of it. What have you done to me?

The girl with pink tinted cheeks.

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