Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content!


I sit in my car, all alone, parked across the street from Randi's house. As of now, all I have is my things and my car. That's it. The girl who used to be the love of my life is in the house with someone I don't even know. She's in the living room, cuddled next to him on the couch with a flannel blanket, assuming they are watching a movie because they are sharing a bowl of popcorn.

That used to be us. Randi and I. Here I am heartbroken and wishing it was me in there. How could she do this to me? What does he have that I don't? I want to understand why she did this but I don't.

After having a few minutes to ugly cry, I started my car and drive down the street. I don't know where the hell I am gonna go... but for now I think I will go to a hotel and I will start looking for a place of my own in the morning. I sure as shit wasn't gonna go to the guys and tell them that Randi cheated on me and booted me out. I'm embarrassed enough as it is without them asking me why I have no place to stay and why Randi ran off with another guy... I don't know what I am gonna do...

I felt my car hit and ran over something big and hard, it immediately snapped me out of my river of thoughts and I slammed the brakes, the car screeched to a stop. Confused and scared out of my fucking mind I quickly took a look in the rearview mirror, I saw someone not too far behind lying on the side of the road in a puddle of blood. I gasped, my heart skips a beat and my stomach knots up.


I hurried out of my car, not bothering to turn off the engine or shut the door and ran to whoever it was that unfortunately met the wrong end of my car.

I gasped again and nearly fell onto my back from the horrible shock. It was George! I HIT GEORGE!

He lays lifeless onto the ground, his glazing eyes slightly open, blood pouring out of his mouth and the huge gash from his back. I lifted him into my arms, scared and sad screams escape from my lungs and tears streaming down my face.

"Oh fuck... no... George... I'm so sorry! Please wake up...!"

I knew it was useless but I still felt his wrist and neck in hope to feel any pulse. Nothing. He was dead. I killed him. I cannot believe I killed him... I took away a band mate, a father, and a friend.

I felt absolutely terrible. As I was bawling and with shaky blood stained hands, I dial 911 still holding his body in one arm.

"I need help..." I say when the operator answers.

"I need help... I accidentally hit my friend with my car... I think he's dead..."

"Okay sir I traced your location. I'm sending out paramedics and police right now."

I drop my phone onto the ground and hug my dead band mate's body, I rest my head onto his chest.

"I'm so sorry please come back... I don't want you to go... Ava needs you. I need you... Wake up George... PLEASE...! FUCK!" I hopelessly plead not letting go of his body.

It starts to rain pretty hard and fast. I couldn't find it in myself to physically let him go. All I could do is sit with him in my arms soaking wet from the rain. I heard a bunch of footsteps echoing in water come up behind me. I look behind me to see Dylan, Jorel, and Danny looking at me with shock. They all held black umbrellas.

"Jordon what the actual fuck did you do to him?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Dylan asked, growing visibly angry.

"You fucking murderer! You know there's a little girl who just lost her dad, right?!" Jorel added.

Nightmare: (A Hollywood Undead FanFiction #1)Where stories live. Discover now