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Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content!

I have to admit I did not think that Matt's procedure would work. I was nervous as all hell to fall asleep because I knew that there was a nightmare waiting in the back of my subconscious mind to ambush me, and I did have a nightmare, but surprisingly it turned into something of a happy ending.

I do remember how it ended: George bravely killed that monster that's been tormenting me, he brought me somewhere safe, and we had a pretty deep conversation about our feelings. He confessed to me that he had feelings for me. I admit I did too. We were both too much of a coward to admit how we felt to each other because we were scared of each other's reactions. He made the first move and kissed me.

I woke up thinking that it was just a crazy dream though I forgot that he saw the whole thing. At that moment I was expecting him to be down right furious but he wasn't he was happy. We're taking things a bit slow.

Since it took a lot of courage and dedication to say it, we still celebrated the occasion with beer and pizza. George and I realize it's a great idea to not go too overboard with the alcohol, but the guys got shitfaced drunk and stoned. Danny in his drunken state says that he can make us a boozy 5 tier wedding cake. We kind of want to see that.

We call it a night around 10pm and we called a cab to drive the guys home. I help George clean up the beer bottles and paper plates in the living room. Little Ava passed out at 8pm so she's been sleeping for a couple of hours.

"Can you put her to bed so I can vacuum?"

I scoop her up in cradling her in my arms and carry her up the stairs. She opened her eyes as I was walking into her bedroom.

"Hi sweetie." I greet gently, laying her down on her bed.

She sits up rubbing her eyes and tugs at my arm. I sat down next to her.

"Uncle Charlie?" She asks me.

"What's up kiddo?"

She crawls to me sitting on my lap and gives me a hug.

"Is Daddy going to forget me?"

I shake my head giving her a hug.

"Of course not Ava, your Dad loves you more than anything. No matter who he dates you'll always come first."

She sighs and looks down at the floor. She shrugs.

"Okay if you say so. I am afraid that he will forget me. When Mommy's boyfriend is over at her house sometimes she forgets I'm there."

He pick her up into my lap and hold her against me. She sadly lays her head down.

"I can guarantee you kiddo that there is no forgetting your dad's mini. No one can ever forget your blond curly hair and your cute little face. You are your Dad's twin through and through. From the facial features to that powerful loving personality."

I poke her tummy trying to making her giggle. She looks at me with her sad eyes. After a couple tries I got a bit of a grin from her.

I take one of my dove and grenade dog tag necklaces off and hold it out in front of her.

"Can I make you a promise Aves?" I ask her.

She watches the flat metal surface shine in the light and nods slowly.

"I know that you come first. I may be in love with your Daddy but I'll never take his love and attention for you. I'm going to give you my favorite necklace as a promise that I will never ever take your Dad's love from you. Do we have a deal?"

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