Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content!


I did not want to fall asleep tonight. The guys insist on staying up with me but they were struggling to keep their eyes open and they give up and went to bed at 11 pm. Dylan tries to hold on for longer but inevitably passes out in his bunk at midnight. It's shy of 1 am and soon enough I am struggling to keep my eyes open. I really don't want to go to sleep because I know these horrid nightmares from hell are patiently waiting for me. I have to stay awake somehow.

I get up and grab a red bull out of the fridge and chug it in 20 seconds flat. If this won't keep me awake nothing will. I decide to sit on the couch and watch Futurama on the TV. When I had got bored of the show and I feel myself starting to doze off again, I stood and start stretching my limbs.

My eye catches the corner of something white under the couch. I pull it out and saw that it was my phone. How the hell did it get under there? I know I am going to regret it but I turn the device on. I had five missed calls, 5 text messages, and 3 voicemails from a number that I didn't recognize. Curious, I scroll through the text messages:

Jordon! How fucking dare you block my number! You're so immature that you can't handle this like a man!

By the way tell George that he can go fuck himself and it's no wonder Asia left his ass! He doesn't know how to talk to a woman!

When you get back to L.A you and I are going to have words!

Ignoring me I see, this is what pathetic losers do! You won't even be man enough to answer me! It's very childish! I don't even want you at my house now! I will have it sent to your band house! 

I am happy with this guy! He is bigger and he treats me better than you ever did!

With each message that I read I feel my heart shatter all over again. This woman is relentless. I dialed the number she texted me at and put the phone on speaker.

"Yes?" A male voice answers.

I let out a sigh, this must be the man she replaced me with.

"Hi, I've been getting texts from Randi at this number. Can I please speak with her?"

He scoffs and then goes quiet for a second. I hear some kind of rustling then a door opening.

"It's about time you called back." Randi snaps.

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Please tell me why you did this? I don't understand." I say holding back tears.

"I already told you from the start it wasn't working, I wasn't feeling it anymore, and I had needs that you couldn't take care of. This guy takes care of those needs and understands more. I was going to explain-"

I felt myself lose my temper.

"When Randi?! When were you going to explain it to me and tell me that?! It would've hurt a lot less if you sat me down and told me what was wrong and why I cannot fulfill those needs. If you weren't feeling it, I would've understood and we could've taken a break, but no, you went whoring around with another guy in public. I have friends everywhere in L.A. It's like you were begging to get caught. I don't know what to even say to this anymore besides that you're tearing me apart."

"Jordon I will put this in simpler terms for you..."

She is talking to me like she would a child. It's pissing me off.

"You're never home. Are you at least understanding that? I tried multiple times to call you, face time you, or text you while you're on tour and I get no answer. Then when you are home for a short amount of time, you're off with your buddies. I need to beg for your attention. When you're gone I have nobody to give me what I want. This guy is here all the time and he makes me happy."

Nightmare: (A Hollywood Undead FanFiction #1)Where stories live. Discover now