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Warning: Contains adult language and sexual content!



I've been in this band shy of a couple years. I haven't known these guys very long but I always knew that George is a fearless risk taker. He's got himself into some questionable situations before but this... this is absolutely fucking insane. I think he really lost his mind.

He took a little bit longer to fall asleep, Jay and I watch as he slowly drifts off. We look at each other in disbelief then back at the two.

"I did notice that he's been a lot nicer to Jordon when he's almost always meaner than hell to him. Right now he's willing to risk emotional trauma from this monstrosity for him."

I agree taking a seat across from the beds, Jorel doing the same.

"He seems to be all on board with the idea, let's just see how he does. Maybe he's trying to get somewhere."

Poor Jordon is still experiencing his nightmare horror movie directed by Satan himself. He's been dragged by his ankles back to a room he somehow previously escaped from. The tormentor looks like a tall nearly human-like figure that's gray in color. It didn't speak any words but making a loud grunt or hiss. This creature had thrown and restrained him to an autopsy table. He's struggling to get out.

"Let me go!" He pleas trying to wiggle himself free.

The creature had left the room. Jordon is breathing heavily in panic trying every attempt to free himself. He is covered in black blisters and scratches. He has stopped crying but he groans and whines in pain.

"Come on..." He whimpers as he is tugging and pulling his left arm from under the restraint.

He manages to get his arm free, he pulls at the restraint trying to free the rest of his body.

Jordon is whimpering in pain matching the tone from his dream and the whimpers coming from the monitor. George has been asleep for about 20 minutes now he's lightly snoring still grasping Jordon's hand. We are pretty certain that this isn't working.

"Matty I think this is a bust." Jorel announces.

"It can take about an hour for things to connect, if nothing happens I'll wake him up."

No matter what Jordon did he couldn't completely free himself. He gives up laying his head down staring at the ceiling. He seems too exhausted to keep fighting. The creature reappears in the room it had blood dripping from its mouth and nails. He stands in front of Jordon. It has George's mask in its hands. It holds it up to him.

Jordon growls with anger pulling at the restraints.

"How many times are you going to fucking do this?! What did he do to you?!" He snaps, his vision blurring with tears.

The creature grabs Jordon by the neck and rips him off the table, breaking the restraints in the process, and drags him out of the room and down the hallway. He struggles under its grip.

Instead of one long empty hallway there was multiple doorways. It makes a turn into one of the doorways. The room it enters was dark and it roughly holds him upward, its nails digging into his skin.

There's 5 sharp meat hooks all covered in blood. Each hook had one of our masks. It hangs George's mask on the empty hook and points to the last vacant hook. Jordon gasps with fear.

"Jordon?! Jordon where are you?"

"Well son of a bitch. It actually works." Matt says his voice sounding surprised.

Nightmare: (A Hollywood Undead FanFiction #1)Where stories live. Discover now