please don't stop loving me

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It was a normal day at hogwarts, James talking about Lily, Peter listening, Remus reading, but this one girl would not leave Sirius alone for a damn mill a second.

"Hey, can you let go of me, please? I have a boyfriend." Sirius said to the girl, clinging on to his arm.

"What, your cheating on me?" The girl says.

"We were never dating." Sirius says, taken aback.

"Whatever." She said, leaving the commen room. Sirius went over to Remus and put himself into Remus' very oversized jumper and snuggled with him.

"She is so annoying moony. I wanna cut my bloody ears off every time She talks." Sirius says, taking in his lovers sent.

"I know pads, but it'll get better. I just got to give it time." I say back, kissing his head.

Us marauders walked to potions class knowing that we were learning about amortentia a very strong love potion.

"Hello class today we will be leaving about amortentia."

(Skipping class 'cause I'm lazy)

I was walking around the school looking for Sirius as I heard something from a room on my left.

"S- Sirius ahhhh," I hear a girl say. I go over to the door and see Sirius, my boyfriend, kissing that girl. I opened the door, and they both stopped to look at me, but something was different with Sirius' eyes they had a light pinkish tint to them.

"Remus? Hey mate, how are ya?" Sirius says, stills in the same place close to the girl up against the wall.

" What's - what's up really are you fucking serious? We're fucking dating is what's up you dumbass. Why are you with her?" I say flailing my arms around.

" moony, what are you taken about were not dating." Remus had enough and stormed out of the room crying.

Remus came into their dorm room and threw some books on the ground, making a loud thoud.

" Moony, hey, hey whats wrongs?" James says, putting down his homework and sitting up on his bed.  " S-sirius he he fucking cheated on me." Remus says crying harder.

"Oh moony, come here." James says, opening up his arms.

(NOT A SHIP!!!!)

Remus goes over to James and hugs him crying more.

" Shh, shh, it's ok." James says, rubbing his back. He would do this for his mom, Lily, and Marlene all the time.

"You wanna tell me what you mean by "Sirius cheated on me"?" 

"I was walking through the halls, looking for him, and I walked into this room and that - that girl that's hanging out with Sirius and clinging to him were kissing in the classroom." Remus says, crying again.

"Hey, hey, it's going to be ok. I'll talk to him later ok you get some rest." James says, leaving the room to go find Sirius.

Sirius looked at the girl as Remus was leaving and said he the girl lips puffy and he cheeks pink as the bow in her hair. "What the hell am I fuckin' doing?"

Just as he says that James bragged into the room and Sirius backed away gagging as he released he kissed her. "Sirius Black get your ass over here right now." James yelled at him.

"Yes - yes, sir." Sirius says, walking away from the girl and going to where James was standing. James smaked Sirius on the head and dragged him out of the room.

"You dimwit what in the godric griffendor where you thinking." James says to Sirius, pushing his glasses up his nose.

" I, I don't think I was think." Sirius says, surprised.

"What the hell do you mean, "I Don'T ThInK I waS ThINK, " James says in a tone that Sirius did not like.

"I don't fuckin' know James, I was walking in the hall lookin' for moony and then she came over to me, gave me a drink, and then- and then we started to snog." He says, gagging at the last part.

"Fuck, you drank a love postion didn't you. You dumbass." James says going In a circle. Sirius was silent for a second before saying.

" moony saw, didn't he."

  "Ya, he did see came into the dorm room crying and throwing books everywhere."

"And you  left him alone crying?" Sirius says, worried.

"No, you dumbass he fell asleep before I left." James says.

"Well, can we go see him?" Sirius says.

"Ya, come on."

They made their way up the stairs to their dorm room with a sad Remus inside. When they got into the room, they saw a sleeping Remus on James' bed.

"What's he doin' on your bed?" He said, pointing to Remus.

"Oh, he fell asleep huggin' me." James says, picking up the books on the floor. Sirius huffs and goes over to Remus and sits down on the bed with him. He moved some hair out of his face and kissed his forehead, waking him up.

"Huh? S-sirius, what are you doing here? Why don't you hang out with your girlfriend since we're not dating." Remus says, sittings up and shuffing away from him a little bit.

"It was a love postion she gave me a drink and out of thrist and stupidity I drank it, I'm really really fuckin' sorry Remus." Sirius says putting his hand on his knee.

"Really?" Remus says, looking at him.

"Yes, moony, I would never cheat on you. Never."

A/N That's it for today, guys. I hope you like it. Have a great day. Love you all :)

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