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Regulus was sitting in a room with a woman in a chair, and James sat next to him.

"So, regulus, how has everything been going?"

Regulus looked at the woman and smiled

"I fell in love for the first time." He smiles, looking up at James. "With a friend."

"Oh, that's a good sign!"

"But, I've started to feel off when everything's going fine."

He thinks back to when he was 15 and looks down.

15 took a lifetime.

He looks back up at the woman.

"People say I look happy, just because I've got away from my parents." He looks over to James as tears fall from his eyes. "But the old me is still me, and maybe the real me. And I think he's pretty."

James and regulus walk out of the office to go home as they get into the car.

When they get back to their homes, they see Sirius and Remus standing there.

Sirius takes a look at James and then regulus and scoffs.

"What's this prongs? Why are you with him?"

Sirius kept talking and wouldn't stop, and regulus had enough of it.

"And I still cry." Regulus says, holding onto James arm.

"What are you talking about."

Regulus looks up at sirius and sighs.

"You know why."

Regulus had just gotten mail from narcissa that regulus parents had passed.

He was really relieved but at the same time he cried, he didn't know why he was crying, he just was.

James came in and comforted him.

Regulus thought back to what his parents said about people who cried.


"Yes, love?"

"Am I acting my age now?"

"Of course you are reg, don't listen to what your mum and dad used to say."

"Am I already on the way out?"

"No, no regulus. You are not."

"When I step off the stage, I'm a bird in a  cage. I'm a dog in a dog pound."

"I'm so sorry, reggie. I really love you, and I will always be here."

"I really wish my brain was different."


Regulus really wanted to talk to Sirius. He wanted to get everything between them settled out.

So he invited him over to talk.

Regulus was sat on the sofa as sirius sat in the armchair.

"What do you want regulus?"

"I just want you to love me again. I don't know why you're so angry."

"Beacuse! You're just like them."

"They're dead, sirus."

"You should be too." Siriua whispers under his breath.

"Do you still cry?" Regulus whispers, tears streaming down his eyes.

"No, I've gotten over it."

"I cry, every night sirius, every night. You don't know how hard that is."

"You did so many wrong this regulus. I don't understand how you can even live with yourself."

"I never did you wrong! I loved you and waited for you."

"You should have stopped waiting,"

"My patience is gone."

"I'm so scared."

"I never did you wrong..." regulus whispers, tears streaming down his face.

"Regulus, are we done here?"

"I loved you for so long."

Sirius gets up and leaves.

Regulus was never the same. And he never will be.

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