Chapter 12 prank wars

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Firefly woke very early. Normally she'd recharge longer, she looked over at the berth a crossed the room to see her brother still in recharge. A plan suddenly came to her, she quickly but quietly got up and rushed out the door.

Grabbing what she needed from the med bay, she rushed back to the room and set up the stuff she had. Cans of paint, many colours. She grabbed blue, pink, yellow, and purple. She filled a large tub. And made a stand over where Knockout would have to get up.

Smiling as the stand was wobbly, one touch would bring it down. She snuck outside and stood beside the door, leaning on the wall. Servos cover her mouth.  After a few minutes passed, she heard shuffling and was ready to run.

"AAH! WHO IN PRIMUS DID THIS?!" Knockout screamed angrily.

Firefly laughed as she bolted down the hall. Knockout came running out as he heard her. She looked back to see him chasing her all rainbow like, the Vehicons were confused to what they were seeing.

Firefly saw Starscream and yelled at him. He turned and gasped, Firefly jumped over the seeker and watched Knockout run into him, getting the paint on the seeker.

"Hahahaha" she laughed as she kept running.


"Gotta catch me first!" She taunted.

(Small time skip)

Knockout was still grumbling when a thought hit him. If Firefly wanted to prank then he would get her back with a prank. He dimmed all the lights and hid around a corner. The paint from earlier still on him, he knew what to do, he grabbed some energon and poured it on him he watched as the energon flowed down his frame.

"Perfect" he smirked.

"Knockout! Soundwave wants those reports, Knockout? Heeellloooo" Firefly wakes around.

"Why are the lights dimmed so low?!, I can barely see anything...Knockout where are you?" She called.

Firefly flinched as she heard a low groaning, she slowly turned around to a corner, she saw a figure covered by the shadows. She took a cautious step towards them.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Energon" Knockout said in a creepy scratchy voice.

"Eep! K-Knockout?...ok Knockout where are you?" She asked as she looked around her again, only to watch the figure move.

Jumping backwards she fell as she tripped over something. She looked and saw it was a buffer. Her optics widened as she looked back up. The litte light showed the figure and her spark froze.

"Energon!" Knockout said louder as he came into the light.

"AAAAAAAAHH!" Firefly screamed as she ran out of the med bay and down the hall.

"Hehe got ya" Knockout said with a smile on his face.


Megatron was talking to Soundwave, until he heard screaming. And it was Fireflys scream. He was about to rush into the hall when the femme came in and tackled him.

"TERRORCON!" She screamed.

"WHAT?!" Starscream shouted.

"There are no terrorcons Firefly" Megatron said.

"Oh yes there is! Knockout is one of them...oh, they got brother...they took my brother!" She cried.

"Firefly he isn't a terrorcon, Soundwave" Megatron said.

"See his signal says he's still alive" Megatron said.

"What?...he..THAT SON OF A SCRAPLET!" She yelled as she marched out of the room.

Transformers Prime Knockouts sister Where stories live. Discover now