Chapter 11 family memories

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Knockout and Firefly had woken that morning feeling very depressed. Megatron had noticed their change in behaviour first. And he had warned the whole ship not to bother the two, he had told them they had the day off for he knew why they were so depressed and moody.

Firefly says on the berth, staring at the ceiling. Knockout just staring into a corner. Megatron made sure to check on the two from time to time.

"Knockout, Firefly...I request you both to follow me on an outing" Megatron said as he knocked on the door.

"Where?" Knockout asked bored.

"Just follow me and you'll see" Megatron said.

(Rocky shore on an island)

Megatron stood at the edge of the rocky shore, watching the waves crashing off the rocks. Knockout and Firefly stood behind him, waiting to see if he'd say anything.

Megatron however remained silent, he knew not to push the two when they got like this. He would wait for them to speak first, or just let them do what they wanted.

"Hey Knockout, remember when Sire and Carrier would bring us to the gardens back home?" Firefly asked.

"How could I forget, you'd go chasing after all the cyber flies or pick a bunch of the plants" Knockout smiled.

"I remember when acid rain fell once when we were little, and I twisted my knee joint. You got your finish ruined for me" she said.

"Yeah, carrier got mad at us for not coming home sooner" Knockout laughed.

"Glinta and Molder were good creators to you both. I remember seeing them a lot in the past, they both loved you very much. Molder was an exceptional fighter in the ring...he retired due to an injury he sustained" Megatron said.

"I remember him telling us that" Knockout said.

"Why did you take us in as your children after they offlined?" Firefly asked.

"I felt like Molder would have wanted you both to be in good servos, like he wanted someone he knew well to take care of you" Megatron said.

"I see...I think you made him happy by adopting us" Firefly said.

"Yeah I know carrier would be happy knowing we are still alive" Knockout said, looking up at the clouds.

Megatron had a small smile on his face, he knew they missed their creators. He knew he could never replace them but he was happy knowing they were happy with him.

"Oh look a whale" Firefly pointed out.

"Shall we take a walk?" Megatron asked.

"Yeah" Firefly smiled as she skipped ahead.

Knockout who was walking behind her, watched the ocean. Glanced back at Megatron who seemed to be lost in thought. He looked ahead to see Firefly reaching out to the large animal, that had come closer to them.

As Firefly pet the whale, Knockout stopped walking to just watch. Megatron stood beside him, placing a servo on his shoulder.

"You both are still lucky to have each other, I am sorry war took your creators away. I know I can't replace them...but I did promise to be here for you both" Megatron said.

"That's all we need my lord...just knowing your there and that you will always be there will make help fill some of that void" Knockout said softly.

Firefly laughed as the whale splashed her with water, she watched it go deeper into the water and out of sight. She smiled as she stared out at the ocean again, then back to the two mechs.

"This was a good trip" she said.

"Indeed it was" Megatron said quietly.

"I Couldn't agree more" Knockout smiled.

I made this chapter in hope to give some insight to their parents and to put a name to them. To which I just made up random names.

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