Chaoter 6 trying to manage without Knockout

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Knockout had been gone for three weeks, Firefly struggled to keep up with everything, and everyone. Megatron tried to make a deal with Optimus but the prime wouldn't accept. Megaton was of course furious but he kept trying.

Vehicons and eradicons both patrolling to see if they can find the base to the autobots. Word was they had a new one, they weren't at the bunkers anymore, so they had to search all over again.

Firefly sat in the corner of the med bay when no one was around crying her spark out. She missed her brother, blaming herself every day. When she was done her shift she would walk ever so slow. Almost as if she were the living dead.

Starscream watched her from afar, not sure if he should talk to her again or leave her alone. Sighing he turned around and went back to the bridge to keep working. Vehicons moved out of her way when they crossed paths.

She had messed up on a few Vehicons during repairs and cause them more harm then good, and she even lost ten of them. Now they tried to avoid her, Soundwave gave them a warning that their injuries weren't intentional. But they didn't care.

"You know I'm starting to wish it was her taken instead of Knockout" one said.

"I hear ya, she keeps messing up, she can't do anything with Knockout around" the second said.

"At least Knockout could do his work in his recharge" the first snickered.

"True" the other laughed.

Firefly frowned, she was pretending that she didn't hear them, but their word stung, hit deep. Of course they didn't like her, she was a wreck because she was so scared and worried about her brother. She walked to the rec room and grabbed a cube of energon. Sitting down at a booth she noticed small groups of Vehicons that were off duty hanging out.

"Knockout....please come home" she whispered laying her helm down to cry.

(Autobkts base)

Knockout sat in the cells sulking. He was angry that they wouldn't let him go, Bumblebee was his guard and the scout kept teasing him. Sure he could handle and ignore that, but when they brought up his sister he lost it.

He had scratches all over his frame, a few dents from a couple escape attempts, but the pain in his spark is what had him all quiet and sad. Firefly was calling out to him, begging him to come home. He felt her pain, her fears, the thoughts and memories of every day. He knew what the Vehicons and eradicons were doing. It made him mad but it pained him knowing he couldn't help her.

'Firefly.....if you can hear me...just know I'm trying to find a way to get back to you, don't give up, please. Your all I have left' he said quietly into his bond he shared with his sibling.

'Breakdown.....if there is true you life after death, if you can watch over her for me I'd really appreciate that' he frowned, tears sliding down his face.

:Hey why are you crying? Do I have to call Ratchet?: Bee asked as he held the bars.

"I'm crying because my sister needs me, she's scared and needs help..but I'm not there, your Primus leader is to stubborn to accept any deal, my sister will probably do something stupid before I can get back to her" Knockout choked.

:......You let her escape...why it just let us take you both in?: the scout asked.

"BECAUSE I PROMISED MY CARRIER ID PROTECT HER! I PROMISED ID NEVER LET ANYTHING HARM HER.....but I'm breaking it cause the drones are harming her mentally, they're turning on her...she needs me" Knockout frowned closing his optics.

:.....I'll talk to prime, see if I can't get him to let you go, he did after all take me in, he's like a sire to me: bee smiled rushing down the hall.

"....isn't that just dandy for you Bug?...sigh, he'll never let me out" Knockout sighed.


Megatron was roaring with anger, optimus refused another deal. He didn't know what else to do, he saw how hollow his daughter had become, how broken she was. She locked herself in the med bay refusing to come out. The only time she came out was to get energon, that was it.

Starscream reported what the drones were all saying, making her feel horrible and hated. That they were turning on her because she wasn't Knockout. Megatron sat on his throne with a loud sigh. He was at his witts end.

A call came in and when he answered it sounded panicked, a vehicon who actually cared about the femme still reported she was on the flight deck, looking over the edge.

Megatron, Soundwave, and Starscream rushed to the flight deck. Looking they spotted her at the far end, they slowly walked over. Megatron was the one to join her at the edge of the deck where he would stand to command his army.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked.

".....Itd be more enjoyable if he were here to" she frowned.

"Come now, you speak as if Knockout were offline, have you given up on him?" Megatron asked eyeing her.

"No.....I can just faintly feel him alive, he's trying to talk to me, but I can't hear him, the signal is being blocked by their barriers....I can't hear him, it's all a whisper to me" she smiled.

"Firefly, I'm doing my best to get him back." He said sitting down.

"I know....but it's just so hard here without him! The Vehicons and eradicons hate me, they mock me because I keep screwing up. They mock me because I'm not him" she shut her optics.

"Don't listen to them child, just give me a little more time" Megatron said.

".....I can't promise anything, but I'll try" she said with a sigh.

"Please don't get to close to the edge, the last vehicon I threw over couldn't fly and he...uh....met a very painful end" Megatron said looking back to when Smokecreen escaped with the omega keys.
(I think that's their name, I need to rewatch the show lol)

Firefly watched Megatron go back inside, Starscream waited a moment until he heard Predaking and he scurried back inside with his master, Soundwave took off in the sky going somewhere.

The femme listened to the wind and watched the clouds, standing up she headed back inside. Going to her room, staring at Knockouts berth she frowned laying down on it.

'Knockout.......Knockout' she sighed closing her optics going to recharge.

Transformers Prime Knockouts sister Where stories live. Discover now