Chapter 8 finding Bumblebee

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Firefly was determined to thank the scout, Megatron kept the two inside for the longest time. Until Knockout was driving like a maniac around the halls with his sister. He ordered Starscream to take them out once a day to get some air and space.

Starscream didn't mind being with them, he rather enjoyed watching the two race each other, they were evenly matched for speed. The seeker watched Firefly and how happy she had become again.

"Starscream do you happen to know the scouts comm frequency?" Firefly asked as she skidded to a stop.

"No, why would you think I know it?" He asked.

"I have the scouts comm, we swapped to keep in touch for races" Knockout smiled walking up to his sister.

"Can I have it please? I kinda want to speak to him about something" she asked.

"Of course....just don't tell Megatron I have his comm, I'm sure if he's talked to prime he was told we became friends but...I don't think I'll be in battle for a long time" knockout laughed.

"Why call the scout when you can just track him, they are constantly on patrol, just go from the reports in the system and you'll know his routes" Starscream said.

"Isn't that kinda stalker like?" Firefly pouted.

".......Maybe...I know they go into town a lot" Starscream said.

"Town huh? Yes I ran into them there...I'll check the town out" the femme said driving away.

"Shouldn't we follow?" Starscream asked.

".....Nah let her go, we have the word from three autobots, but I'll be close by anyway. Since we do have Arcee, Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Smokescreen to worry about, oh and Magnus" Knockout said driving away.

"Right....I'll just say I lost sight of you both, he'll beat me for this you know!" The seeker called.

"Just tell him we sent you home" knockout yelled back.

Starscream sighed he was about to head home but he remained frozen, groaning he transformed and flew off after the two siblings. Swearing under his breath as he caught up to Knockout easily. And let steady with him until he entered town.

Knockout knew Starscream followed them. He found his sister easily they found Bee with the other autobots coming off a road from the school.

"Great, Firefly detour now!" Knockout said.

"Right" she made a sharp turn into the gas station parking lot.

The two watched Bulkhead pull in and stoop close to them as Miko jumped out, the others quick to join him.

"Be rate back!" The girl said running inside.

"Sigh that girl I swear, mind if I go on ahead Guys? Jack has work" Arcee said.

"Sure thing Cee, ready Miko?" Bulkhead asked as the girl came back out.

"Yup! We're good to go" she said.

Bee saw the two red cars and stayed behind as Bulkhead left he sat there waiting to see if they said anything. Raf asking what he was doing.

"Thank you Bumblebee....thank you" Firefy said pulling out and sped down the road.

Knockout quick to follow, Bee pulled out after them. The three saw Bulkhesd sitting at the side of the road waiting and the two were quick pick up speed.

"What the?! Knockout? And Firefly?...Hey how did he get out!?" Bulkhead asked starting to take off after them.

Bee quickly got in front of Bulkhead and stopped him. Bulkhead asked about to protest when Bee said to look up and when the wrecker did he saw Starscream.

Starscream circled the two mechs, once both Knockout and Firefly were a safe distance away he took off after them.

:it isn't safe to chase them if they are being watched: Bee said.

"Yeah yeah, let's get to base already" Bulkhead said.


Knockout was reading a datapad, something to kill time. Firefly was in the wash racks getting rid of the dirt. One thing Knockout loved was having a private wash rack attached to his quarters. Firefy came out and smiled at him.

"Thanks for letting me go first Knocks, Uh shower is all yours" she said.

"No problem Firefly, did you save me any hot solvent?" He teased.

"What do you I am? A hot solvent hog? Of course there's still hot solvent left" Firefly said.

"Heheh thank you love" Knockout said going into the wash racks.

"........Tease...heheh" Firefly laughed.

"Are you in there Firefly?" Megatron asked knocking on the door.

"Yeah I'm here Sire" Firefy answered.

"How was your outing?" Megatron asked.

"It was well, thank you Sire...when can we go back out for missions?" She asked.

"Not until I say, I don't wish to risk either of you being captured again. Besides we are Decepticons,  we are wanted either online or offline" Megatron said.

"Yes sire...I know..." Firefly sighed sitting on her berth.

"...I'm sorry..have a pleasant night" Megatron said.

"Thank you sure, you as well" Firefly smiled.

Transformers Prime Knockouts sister Where stories live. Discover now