More Dragon Adventures!!

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Tohru was seen polishing her figures of Kobayashi, and then- 

Spike: Tohru. 

Tohru: AGH!! 

She nearly dropped one and was very mad at seeing Spike interrupting her. 


Spike: Hasn't stopped you before. 

Tohru: And what does that even mean? 

Spike: You spied on her at work when you heard that she was sharing the lunches you made with Elma. 

Tohru: And how do you know about that? My little brother, betraying me! 

Spike: Because Elma is also like my sister, and frankly the more responsible one. 

Tohru: (gasp). 

She puts her hands to her mouth. 

Tohru: I can be super responsible! 

Spike: Okay, prove it. 

Tohru: Fine! I'll go an entire day without being- uh ... 

Spike: Say it. 

She begun to twitch. 


Spike: Okay, I think we get it. Now- 

He takes the figures of Kobayashi. 

Spike: Once you learn to control yourself, you can get them back. 

Tohru was getting teary-eyed. 


Tohru went along with vacuuming, though she tried to hide her tears. 

Kobayashi: You okay Tohru? 

Tohru: Oh ... yeah ... sure Ms. Kobayashi. I- Don't say something weird. Don't say something weird. 

Spike observed from nearby, having Kanna on his shoulders, and Illulu next to him. 

Illulu: So, let me get this straight, you challenged Tohru to not lust after Kobayashi for a day? 

Spike: Yep. 

Kanna: It won't last, Uncle Spike. 

Spike: Oh, we'll just have to see about that. In fact- 

He decided to call Fafnir and Lucoa. 

And then... 

Fafnir: It won't last. It's not going to last. 

Spike: You have no faith in her do you? 

Fafnir: I've known her for too long, and her obsessions are like my hatred for all humanity. 

Spike: Yeah, right. 

Lucoa: He's got a point you know. I mean, I can't go a second without thinking about Shouta. 

Spike: Poor kid, between her, his magic, and Chibiusa, he's got his hands full. 

He then pulled out his phone again and thought about calling Elma. 

Spike: Hey Elma? 

Elma: Yes? 


He was giving Elma more cream bread to eat as she watched. 

Elma: YUMMY!! Oh, Tohru's not going to last. 

Dragons: How do you- 

Elma: Kobayashi and I talk a lot about this stuff in between our shifts. 

Spike: HAHAHAHAHA! Of course. Man, you two have gotten close. 

Dragons: Same could be said for you and Kanna. 

Spike: Uh ... yeah, I guess. 

Kanna then pointed out to Tohru who was screaming in a pillow! 

Tohru: I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!! I NEED MS. KOBAYASHI!! I LOVE HER!! I LOVE HER TOO MUCH! I- No, I have to prove to myself that I'm in control. I am in control. I am in control. Must prove myself! 

She then tried something, by preparing a couch, with comfy pillows, fixing coffee, and then turns on a TV with static, and just watching it. 

Spike: Oh no. Uh, if you guys have anything better to do, then please go by all means. 

Fafnir: Fine. I have to compete with a certain human who claims he's a better manga author than I am. 

Lucoa: Yeah, I think I better go and keep Shouta Baby company. 

Elma: Can I help Spike? 

Spike: Please. By all means. 

Fafnir and Lucoa leave, while Spike enters with Elma, Kanna, and Illulu. 

Spike: Okay, Tohru, I think you can stop now. I was wrong to take you from- 

Tohru: No, I have to do this. 

She sips her coffee. 

Elma: Tohru, listen, why don't we spar, and if you beat me, you g- 

Tohru: Fat chance, Elma. I'm not doing that. 

Elma: HUH?! 

She seemed shocked. 

Elma: She's serious. 

Illulu: Hold on, I got this. 

She tries to destroy the TV, but then Spike stopped her. 

Spike: NO! 

Illulu: Awww. 

Kanna: Lady Tohru is just going to keep going until she stops. 

Spike: Oh boy. 

They just leave. 


Kobayashi noticed Tohru asleep. 

Kobayashi: I was wondering why you weren't trying anything. To be honest, I kind of feel uncomfortable without you sharing a moment with me. Hahahaha. Tohru, you annoy me, but you're one of the people I feel too close to along with (Y/N). 

She just lies with her. 

Tohru smiled, and giggled. 

Tohru: I love you Ms. Kobayashi. 

Kobayashi: Me too Tohru, me too. 

The Next Morning... 

You and Spike looked at them still sleeping. 

(Y/N): I think you got them closer buddy. 

Spike: Well, I- I was just trying to challenge her, but she- This is- 

You pat him on the head. 

(Y/N): You're a good dragon, Spike. You really are. 

You then go to wake them up. 

(Y/N): Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White. 

Tohru and Kobayashi: Huh? 

(Y/N): You both dozed off there. 

Kobayashi: What time is- I'M GOING TO BE LATE!! AGH!! 

Tohru: Want me to fly you there? 

Kobayashi: YES!! PLEASE!!!! 

(Y/N) and Spike: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

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