Attack on the Technodrome!/Turtle Power!

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The Turtles continued to fight against Deathstroke, who easily manages to elude their attacks. 

Deathstroke: Too slow. 

Back with you, you easily disarm Karai, who tried attacking you. 

(Y/N): Now, I guess the Shredder's little baby girl is too weak to beat me. 

Karai growls and tries to slice you over and over again. 

(Y/N): I'm growing a beard over here. Seriously. 


At the same time, her minions tried attacking April, and you just decided to hand her a weapon. 

(Y/N): Hey, Sweet Cheeks, you'll need this. 

You hand her a staff. 

April: What am I supposed to do with this? 

(Y/N): Just whack it on their heads. 

April: Right. Got it! 

She starts trying to get used to it, and she did manage to take out some of them. 

April: HA! I CAN DO THIS!!! Okay, get ready for some more pain. 

(Y/N): Wow, that's- 

You duck an attack from Karai. 

(Y/N): Nice try. 


This gave you the bright idea to continue to toy with her, and you push her down, and kiss her. 

(Y/N): There, I stole the moment for you, and, I have to get going. 

You go up to the roofs. 

She blushed upon feeling that smooch. 

Karai: Fall back to the Technodrome. 

Foot Soldiers and Ninjas: What? 

Karai: You heard me. Fall ... back. 

Back with the turtles... 

They continued to attack Deathstroke over and over again, with- 

Raph: I GOT YOU N- AGH!! 

Deathstroke flips him over and slams him into Mikey who was trying to attack from behind. 

Deathstroke: You both lack technique. 

Don: That's what you think. I got this! 

Don tries to zap Deathstroke with a paralysis device, but- 

Deathstroke: Pathetic. I know a certain man who is much better machines than you. 

He goes to strike, but then you stop his hand. 

(Y/N): Nice night, huh Slade? 

Deathstroke: And you're usually the persistent pest as ever (Y/N). 

(Y/N): What is it with this guy and trying to kill us teens? So, what's the deal working with Ra's? Did he offer you a big score or- 

Deathstroke: Being a member of the League is perfect to enhance my skills. I don't need money to join an organization like this. 

(Y/N): Interesting. But, you also have a code. Mind telling me w- 

He hands you a tracker. 

Deathstroke: Come after us, if you dare. 

He then leaves. 

(Y/N): You guys alright? 

Turtles: Yeah, thanks Dude. 

(Y/N): Don't blame yourselves, he's too good at what he does. Now, where do we find that Technodrome thingie? 

You lack at the tracker. 

Back at the Technodrome... 

Ra's: They're coming. 

Shredder: You can sense it? 

Ra's: Yes. I can. 

Shredder: Doctor, send in the Mutants. 

???: Yes, Master!

Baxter Stockman (Scientist who has been mutated into a fly! In league with the Foot Clan!) 

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Baxter Stockman (Scientist who has been mutated into a fly! In league with the Foot Clan!) 

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