Chapter two

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Wanda POV

*beep, beep, beep*

"Ugh" I role over and try to hit snooze on my alarm, but instead I miss and hit my hand on my bedside counter. "Fuck" I grumble. I sit up and rub my eyes before turning of the alarm. I flip back onto the pillow not having the motivation to get up. Just as I close my eyes again I'm once again awoken, this time by F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Good morning Miss Maximoff" F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice echos through the speakers.

"Go away Fri" I say groggily while pulling my pillow down over my head in attempt to drown the world out.

"I apologise for my inconvenience, but Mr Stark has requested your presence at training" F.R.I.D.A.Y tells me.

"Ugh" I grumble one more time before I finally bring myself to sit up properly. "Tell him I will be there in about ten minutes"

"Will do Miss Maximoff. Thank you for your time" F.R.I.D.A.Y acknowledges.

"Stuff you Stark" I mutter as my feet hit the cold tile floor. I stumble over to my closet and sigh when I see the pile of clothes that had somehow gotten sprawled out all over the place. I pick up a black sports jacket and some grey sweats and quickly change into them. I then stick my hair up into a lopsided ponytail and grabbed my keys. I couldn't be bothered up-keeping my appearance today.

I rush through the residential building trying to get myself to the gym as quickly as possible when I feel a wave of light headedness wash over me. "Fuck" I mutter as I stumble over to grip the wall.

"Wanda are you okay?" I hear a voice ask from behind me. I slowly lift my head to see Natasha and Sam rushing towards me, both with concerned looks on there faces.

"Um, yeah I'm fine" I say trying to reposition myself into an upright position. That was a mistake as I quickly feel another wave overcome me and stumble forwards. Luckily Sam and Natasha were both there and guided me to sit on the floor.

"Sit there for a second Wanda, Sam can you go grab her some water" Natasha spoke .

"No don't worry about it I'll be fine in a minute" I say quickly and mov ego stand up, but a hand gently pushes me back to the floor.

"Wanda stay there" Nat said as Sam walked off to get some water.

"Are you okay? Do you need a doctor? I can get Bruce if you need him to-"

"No, no I'm fine really. I think I'm just a bit dehydrated that's all" I interrupted Natasha quickly. In reality I knew the reason I was feeling like this probably had something to do with the fact I hadn't eaten in a few days but I wasn't going to tell Natasha that.

"Okay if your sure" Nat gave me a suspecting look but didn't push any further. Sam returned with a glass of water and handed it to me.

"Thanks Sam" I thanked the man before taking a sip of water.

"No problem. I hope that your alright" he smiled softly. I quickly finished the water and allowed Nat and Sam to help me up.

"Will you be okay to train?" Natasha asked me.

"Yeah, I'm alright now" I confirmed.

"Okay if your sure" Natasha nodded.

The three of us made our way over to the gym where Tony was waiting for us.

"Where were you guys?" He questioned when he saw us enter.

"Sorry Tony, Wanda wasn't feeling well so we were helping her" Sam responded quickly before I could intervene.

"Okay then, you too get started" he pointed at Nat and Sam then turned to me "you okay Maximoff?" He questioned.

"Yes I'm alright, I just felt a bit light headed but I'm fine now" I explained to him.

"Okay well maybe just take it easy today. I can't handle another lawsuit right now"

I chuckled and nodded, before walking away to train. 

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