Chapter six

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Natasha POV

"Hey, I'm back" I smiled as I re entered the witch's bedroom.

"Hi" Wanda replied not looking up. She was back in her original position curled on her side with the covers up over her shoulders. She slowly sat up as I came further into the room. I placed the food and water down on her bedside cabinet.

"Are you not hot in that hoodie?" I question, noticing the girls attire. It was a hot evening in the middle of summer so I was surprised she wasn't boiling.

"No I'm okay" Wanda replied and tugged at her sleeves slightly.

"Okay" I nod not pressing the topic any further. "Can I sit?" I ask nodding my head towards the edge of her bed.

"Sure" she shrugged and shuffled over slightly. I slowly take a seat on her bed and take a quick glance around her room.

"Sorry for the mess" Wanda blushed noticing what I was looking at.

"Don't worry about it. My room isn't much better" I chuckled softly. "How are you feeling?" I ask

"I'm fine, like I said I just got up too quickly" she quickly explained.

"Okay, I'm sure that's the case but just in case I brought some food and water for you" I reach over and pass the items to her.

"Oh- um- I-" Wanda mumbles as she stares blankly at the items infringe of her. "I'm not hungry" she states.

Wanda POV

I stare at the food that Nat placed in front of me. A banana and some goldfish crackers.

"I'm not hungry" Lie.

"Are you sure? I noticed you didn't join us for any meals today" Nat pressed.

"I just wasn't hungry" Lie.

"Really, have you eaten today?" Nat asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I ate" Lie. I felt myself begin to panic.

"What did you eat?" Nat asked again.

"Food." Lie. "Can we please just drop the subject" I plead.

"Only if you eat the banana" Nat states.

"No way!" I feel the panic rise furthers.

"Wanda please I'm worried about you." Nat states.

"Well I'm fine!" I practically yell.

"Wanda if you have an eating problem it's nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact-"

"NO! No I don't have a problem." I feel myself beginning to shake. "Look Nat, I think you should go" I turn away from her.

"Wanda please-" Nat began

"Nat, get out."


"I SAID GET OUT" I yell finally allowing the panic to release. All of a sudden a ball of red is released from me and sending Natasha flying out of the room.   My bedroom door slams shut and I let myself go. Loud sobs begin to rack my body and I can't hold back the tears anymore.

Of course I'm hungry. I haven't eaten in days. I can't get fat. I'm already enough of a failure to add being overweight on top of it.

Natasha POV

I sit up in shock after being catapulted out of Wanda's bedroom. I'm a little upset by the witches actions but more than anything I'm even more concerned than I was previously. Her defensive reaction definitely proves there is something up with her.

I brush myself off and decide to leave the witch alone which is quite difficult as I can here her sons coming through her bedroom door.

I just don't know what to do to help her.

Alone - Wanda Maximoff Where stories live. Discover now