Chapter Three

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Wanda POV

I sat on the couch half heartedly listening to whatever small talk and banter was going on between the other avengers. Training had ended about half an hour ago and we were now all sat in the main living room to kill some time before any afternoon meetings, training, missions ect...

I stare at the ground while I slowly twirl a piece of my dry brown hair around my pinky finger. For whatever reason I just didn't have the energy to engage in social affairs today.

"Wanda?" A voice spoke snapping me out of my thoughts. I feel the couch dip slightly and look up to see Natasha Romanoff  had sat down next to me.

"Hmm?" I hum in response to her questioning.

"Are you feeling any better?" Natasha asked me.

"Um - I, yeah I guess" I reply nodding my head slightly in hopes that this would make her leave me alone. Truth be told I still didn't feel that great and just wanted to go upstairs and crawl into bed.  However I wasn't going to bring this up any time soon.

"That's good" Nat smiled at me "so how have things been going?"

"Fine." I said quickly. I had become accustomed to giving that answer recently.

"Are you sure?" Nat pushed further "because if you ever need anything I'm alw-"

"You know what, I think I'm going to go take a shower" I butt in quickly, wanting to escape the conversation as soon as possible. Before Nat could stop me I quickly stood up and sped towards the stairs. 

Natasha POV

I furrowed my brow as I watched the brown haired Sokovian hurry away from me. As I sigh softly I try not to think about it, however I just can't shake the feeling that something is wrong with Wanda.

"I see Sabrina the teenage witches teenage hormones have kicked in" tony chuckled. I looked up and noticed the other avengers were now staring at me.

"Tony she's 26" Steve pointed out.

"Eh she's still got hella hormones. probably shark week". Tony shrugged

"Do you two find joy in being misogynistic assholes or do you just do it for the sake of it?" I spit at the men before flipping them both off and walking out of the room to follow Wanda. I just wanted to check up on her.

"Geez I see it's the widows time of the month too" I hear tony mumble. However I let it slide as my concern for Wanda was currently at the forefront of my mind.

Hey everyone :) short chapter today, kinda just a filler tbh. I've got some ideas for this story so be sure to check for updates soon. I also have some chapters coming up for my other story's soon so keep an eye out for those too! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe in this new year.
Love y'all 💕

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