Chapter five

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Wanda POV

I open the bathroom door and squint when my eyes meet the light that emits through my window. As they adjust I let out a small groan. I stumble through the piles of objects that had somehow sprawled themselves across my room over the past few weeks. Spiting a grey hoodie and a pair of black shorts amongst the junk I quickly pull them on, not even checking to see if they are clean. I cringe as the sleeves come in contact with my new cuts. Oh well, I deserve the pain.

I flop onto my bed and fumble my way to find my sheets. Once I find the material I pull it up over my head to block out the light of my room. They smell old and musty, it had been a while since I had changed them. Oh well, I deserve to suffer. I squeeze my eyes shut as if doing so would somehow shut out all of my problems and thoughts as-well. Obviously that wasn't the case as I felt myself begin to toss and turn trying to shut my brain up. Just as I feel myself finally begin to fall asleep, I hear the door open.

"For fucks sake" I mutter as I sit up and pull the sheets off my face.

"Hi Wanda" Natasha smiled at me from her position in the door way.

"What?" I snap, not having the patience for this shit.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb." She responds quickly "it's just we have a press conference this evening, we are supposed to leave in ten minutes" 

"Dammit" I spit as I quickly fling my legs over the side of my bed, jumping up. I soon realise my mistake however as a wave of light headedness washes over me and I stumble slightly. Nat realised what was happening and reached her arms out to catch me.

"Sorry" I mumbled realising I had ended up in her arms.

"What for?" Nat asked as she helped guide me back to a seated position. "You should've said you were still feeling unwell"

"I'm fine really, I just got up too quickly" the excuses begin to pour out. Nat pauses for a moment.

"You know what, I think the boys are old enough and ugly enough to handle this press conference on there own. How about I stay back here with you, that way you can rest and have something proper to eat, do you start to feel better" she suggests

"Oh no, Nat. I can't ask you to do that. Really I'm absolutely fine" I quickly begin to explain.

"No, I insist. I was looking for a way out of this conference to be honest" Nat chuckled

"Um- I- okay" I sigh realising I wasn't going to win this debate.

"Then it's settled. I'll quickly just run downstairs to let tony know and to grab some snacks. Want anything while I'm down there?"

"No I'm good, thanks Nat" I smile softly at her.

"No problem. I'll be right back" she smiles back.

Natasha POV

I quickly head back downstairs to find the boys. To say I was surprised when I saw Wanda had gone back to bed would be an understatement. She's normally the most organised and onto it person on he team. Heck most of the time it's her reminding me about conferences. I was really starting to worry about the witch.

"Hey guys, wait up!" I call after the boys as I see them headed towards the jet.

"Hey shortstack, you all good?" Clint asked.

"Yes" I roll my eyes at his nickname "Wanda's not feeling great so I'm going to stay at the compound with her" I explained.

"Still feeling faint?" Tony asked

"Yeah she got out of bed and almost passed out"

"Oh that's no good. Thanks for staying back with her Nat." Tony stated

"It's no problem. I hate conferences anyway." I shrug. "I'll see you guys later, let me know how the conference goes"

I wave them of before turning to head back inside so I could get back up to Wanda. On my way back through the main floor I grab a couple of water bottles, two bananas and some goldfish crackers. I hoped this would make Wanda feel a bit better.

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