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(this whole story will be in third persons pov.)

Flashback to when they met. 🫶🏻

As Linda watch Simon and Sara play on the slides, swings and round-a-bout, she noticed a young boy, sitting on the bench alone.

She frowned, walking towards her own son, tapping his shoulder, "Simon, why don't you go ask that boy to play?" She smiled, as Simon looked around, spotting the boy.

He was great at making friends, so he smiled at his mother, and walked towards the unknown boy.

"Hi!" Simon almost-yelled, leaving the boy with a sort of fright. "H—..Hello?" He replied—  "Want to play with me?" He smiled, as the boy tilted his head, confused.

"Jag talar svenska.. em— Swedish. " (I speak Swedish.)  He replied, a sort of sad look on his face.

Simon smiled, "Jag ochså!" (me too!)  As the boys face lit up, finally having someone to talk to.

"Villa spela?" (want to play?") As the boy who stood opposite him, stood up and nodded.

Linda watched from afar, while Sara was playing with a group of other girls.

"Vad heter du?" (whats your name?) Simon asked, strolling towards the swings. "Wilhelm. Du?" (Wilhelm. You?) "Simon." He replied, sitting on the swingset.

Wilhelm stood behind the boy, carefully. "Jag ska pusha dig?" (Will I push you?) Wilhelm asked politely, as Simon looked back at him. "Ja, snälla." (Yes, please.) He smiled.

Wilhelm pushed Simon on the swing gently, trying his best not to push him off.

"Weeee!!" Simon cheered, getting higher each time, as Wilhelm smiled at his reaction.

"Wilhelm! Hemmatid!" (Wilhelm! Hometime!) Wilhelm grabbed the chain of the swing, frowning. "Måste du gå?" (Do you have to go?) Simon asked, as the taller boy nodded. "Ja."

"Kan din mamma få mitt mamma nummer?" (Can your mom get my moms number?) Wilhelm asked hesitantly, and Simon nodded, sprinting over to his mom.

"Mama, can you get Wilhelms moms phone number please!" He asked— well, it sounded of more of a demand.

"If shes okay with it, sí?" "Sí!" Simon smiled, ear to ear.

Linda walked towards Wilhelms mother, (Kristina)
and gave her a polite smile. "Do you speak English?" Linda asked, hoping she does, so she doesnt have to get her 6 year old son to translate for her.

"Yes, I do!" She smiled. "Well, my son, Simon, was wondering if I could get your number, so our sons could have a playdate." Linda said, and Kristina nodded.

Wilhelm stood there, oblivious to what was happening.

"Of course!" Kristina replied, as they exchanged phone numbers. "Linda, by the way." She held her hand out for the woman to shake. "Kristina." As she shook her hand.

"Great, well erm.. Simon, say goodbye to Wilhelm." Linda told Simon.

"Hej dä, Wilhelm!" He smiled, as Wilhelm flapped his arms, which seemed a bit strange to Simon, but he didnt mind. "Hej dä!" He replied, holding his mothers hand and walking away.

"Well, you made a new friend!" Linda spoke and congratulated him. Simon smiled, running back over to Sara, and her friends.

(512 Words)
im so excited for this omg

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