chapter - 3

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"Simon, wake up! Its 2pm!" Linda yelled, opening his curtains, and then his blinds. "Ah, mama! Its Winter break, let me sleep." He groaned, hiding under his covers. "Nono, I dont care. Get up, we have to clean, did you forget your cousins are coming over?" She explained, crossing her arms.

"Oh, shit! I forgot, I already told Wille he could come over..." He hesitated, and Linda shook her head. "Well, clean the house, and then he can come over." "But, what about everyone coming over?!" He asked, sort of yelling, sitting up. "It would be nice for Wilhelm to meet our family! You've been friends 10 years nearly."

Simon scoffed, and Linda walked out. He grabbed his phone, and tapped on Wilhelms contact.

Wille ❤️‍🔥

Agh, my cousins are coming over today and i have to clean. Fml 🙄 -- Simon

Wille ❤️‍🔥 -- Does that mean i cant come over??

Nono, my mom said you can, i just need to clean b4 u can. -- Simon

Wille ❤️‍🔥 -- Oo, good. Do i get to meet ur family?

Yeah, but just a warning, theyre really fucking annoying. -- Simon

Wille ❤️‍🔥 -- Haha, i have to shower rn, ttyl, cant wait to meet ur family. 😛

Mm, I wouldnt be too excited, but byeee -- Simon


Simon jumped out of bed, pulling a grey t-shirt and white sweatpants from his wardrobe. And of course, right as he started getting dressed, he heard the hoover.

That stupid fucking hoover that always disturbed him whenever he was doing literally anything. He sighed, making his bed, slowly, just to pass time.

"Simon, Im coming in, you have to hoover your room!" "Oh for fucks sake."


"Finally." Sara said, as she flopped down on the couch. "Is Wilhelm coming over today?" She asked, turning towards Simon. "Yeah, I dont know when though." He replied, taking his phone out of his pocket. "Well, ask him." She said, Simon giving her an odd look. "Why do you want him to come over so bad?" He answered, and Sara shrugged. "Weirdo."

"He said hes coming over at about 4, and its about 3:45pm, so in around 15 minutes." She nodded, and walked back into her room. "Simon, can you set the table? Everyone is coming over soon." Linda requested, and Simon stood up. "Alright, Willes coming over in around 15 minutes, just to tell you." He said, "Ooh, better hurry up, so."


"Hey Wille! About time, its 4:13." Simon joked, standing up from the couch, seeing as Wille had just walked in. "Sorry, I got caught in the rain." He replied, taking off his coat and putting it on the hook. "The rain? I didnt realise it was raining." Simon said, as Wilhelm sat beside him, kicking his shoes off. "Mm, yeah. So, wheres your family?" He asked, sitting oddly close to Simon.

"Theyre not here yet, they'll be here in about 30 minutes." "Oo'," It was silent for a bit, until Simon spoke. "So, whatcha wanna do?" He asked, turning his head towards Wille, not realising how close they were. Their lips were about two centimetres apart, and their noses slightly touching.

"--Erm.. I dont mind." Wille replied, turning away quickly, trying to hide the faint blush that crept on his cheeks, but failing miserably. It went silent again, a very awkward silence.

"Hey Wille--.. What do you think of gay people?" Simon asked hesitantly, quickly regretting his words. "Oh-- Erm.. Well, I guess I dont really care. I mean, its their life not mine." He answered, biting his thumb. A wave of relief flushed Simon, "Whyd you ask?" Wille questioned, curiously. "Ah, no reason." "What about you?" Simon went silent for a moment, thinking of what to say.

"I mean, same with you. I dont really care, its their business not mine." Simon replied, "Right?! I mean, everyone in this town is so homophobic, but its none of their business if two men are having sex a couple houses down." He joked, as they both laughed loudly.

"What the fuck are you laghing ab-- Oh, hey Wilhelm!" Sara came in, innocently greeting Wilhelm. "Ah.. Hi, Sara." "Go away, Sara. Dont you need to clean your room?" "Its already clean, actually." She admitted, crossing her arms. "Whatever, just fuck off anyway." Simon groaned, throwing his head back.

That was partially the reason Wille looked away, just so he wouldnt get turned on really.

"Wheres mama?" Sara asked, leaning against the counter. "Shop." Simon replied blankly. "Jeez, cold bitch." Sara scoffed, walking back to her room. "Finally, she can actually be so annoying." Simon said, looking at Wille, who was currently staring at the wall.

"You okay?" Simon asked, nudging his arm. "Oh-- Yeah, I'm fine." He was in fact not fine. He was having a gay crisis, because of his bestfriend, and he was trying to get his mind off of-- well...

"Lets go to my room, we can play video games until my family gets here." Simon suggested, standing up, and grabbing Wilhelms arm. He had no time to respond, at the time his mind proccessed what was happening, he was already on Simons bed.

Simon sat beside him, handing him the controller, his hand brushing against Wilhelms. He sighed, and turned towards Simon again. "Can I tell you something?" He asked, putting the controller on the pillow. "Yeah, go ahead." Simon replied, as they both sat criss-crossed on the bed.

"I think I'm into guys?" He admitted, as Simons eyes widened. "Wait, really?" Wille nodded, staying silent. "Wow, well, thanks for telling me Wille." He replied, placing his hand on his knee. It was silent for a moment. "I am aswell, I think." He said, "I know." Simon stared directly at him. "What? How do you know?!" He yelled, and Wille chuckled. "You follow a lot of gay pornstars." "And how do you know theyre gay pornstars?" Simon teased, as Wille stuttered: "W-well.. You see-- Um.." "Exactly."

"Oh, fuck you." He laughed, throwing himself ontop of Simon. He looked up at Simon, glancing down at his lips, praying he didnt see it, but of course, he did. Simon smiled, pressing his lips lightly against Willes. They fit together perfectly, Wille could feel Simon smile into the kiss, and he was happy Simon was comfortable with it. It was a shirt, but sweet kiss.

They pult away, staring at eachother again. "I really like you." Simon mumbled, stroking his cheek with his thumb. "I really like you too." Wille smiled, leaning in. Soon enough, their lips connected once again, except this time the kiss was longer, and better.

They pult away again, breathing heavily. Wille flopped down beside Simon, pushing some curls out of his face. They smiled at eachother, until they heard the front door open, and children squealing.

"Oh for fucks sake!" Simon yelled, digging his head into Willes chest, so it was a little muffled. "Is that your family?" Wille asked, and Simon gave him an annoyed look. "Guess." He replied, as Wille chuckled. "Come on, I wanna meet them!" Wille yelled excitedly, standing up and grabbing Simons arm. "No, no you dont." "Yes, yes I do! Come on!!"

Wille dragged Simon all the way into the sitting room, and Simon groaned. "Can we go back to my room now?" Simon complained, "I havent even seen them, yet." "You dont want to."

(1221 words)
i had to rewrite this WHOLE THING because of my storage 😭😭

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