chapter - 5

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skip back to school, because im lazy 😝🙌🏼 (f slur in this, i am apart of the lgbtq, dont cancel me 😮)


Everyone sat down in their usual seats, meaning Wille and Simon sitting beside eachother, obviously. "So, anything fun happen after I left?" Wille asked, grabbing one of his copybooks, and a pencil from his bag. "Not really, we just played a couple board games." Simon replied, admiring the drawings on the first page of Willes copy.

"I like board games." He grinned, "I know, you always ask to play them." They laughed, tangling their legs together under the table. Simon then grabbed a black pen that was on his table, and drawing a small smiley face, with a heart on Willes book. "Thank you." Wille smiled, circling the drawing, he did this whenever Simon would draw something.

A sudden sharp stomach pain hit Simon, causing him to hug his stomach tightly. "You okay?" Wille asked curiously, Simon nodding repetitively. "You sure? You dont look okay." He joked, Simon trying his best to laugh along. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He lied, he hated lying to him. "Alright, whatever you say."


Mr.Englund, their teacher, was writing on the chalkboard, which was very irritating to Simons ears. His stomach ached more and more, until he couldnt take it anymore.
He raised his hand, as Mr.Englund turned around, looking directly at him. "Yes, Simon?" He asked, putting one hand on his desk. "Erh.. May I go to the nurses office? I dont feel well." He admitted, fidgeting with his pencil. "Very well then, Wilhelm, please walk Simon to the nurses office." He said, pulling his attention back to the chalkboard.

Wilhelm and Simon both stood up, and walking out the classroom door. "Told you, I always know when youre not feeling well." Wille smiled, as Simon shook his head. "Or, unless.. youre faking it?" He teased, "No, I literally feel like my stomachs gonna explode." Simon groaned, hugging it tightly again.

Wille threw his arm around his shoulder, scruffling his hair roughly. "Ouch?!" Simon shrugged him off, Wille laughing, while people stared. "Faggots.." A random girl mumbled, Willes heart stung a little bit af the sudden word, Simon rolled his eyes instead. "Dont mind them, theyre just a bunch of brainless bitches." He said, loud enough for her to hear.

"Youre meant to be sick." Wille reminded him, as Simon just stared at him. "What if I have to go home? Youll be all alone." Simon joked, "No, I have Felice to talk to." "You have to admit... I'm just better." He smiled, as Wille nodded. "Yeah, I guess you are."


"That was like... the longest walk ever. And it made my stomach worse." Simon whined, as Wilhelm looked at him. "It was a 2 minute walk." "Exactly." They laughed, Wille pushing him in the nurses door. "Hej boys, what seems to be the problem?" The nurse asked, smiling politely. "Uh.. We both have stomach pains." Wille partially lied, as Simon looked at him, confused. "Alright.. Well, are you able to make it through the way, do you think?" She said, standing up from her chair.

"No, Im afraid. Its very bad.." Wille lied once again, as Simon nodded, going along with it. "Okay, I can give your parents a ring, see if they come collect you?" "Actually, we already talked to Mr.Englund, and he called our parents already, theyre waiting outside." Wille cleared his throat, "Mhm, I see. Well, you can go talk to the principal, and then you may go."


Simon and Wille ran out the gates of the school, running off into a random direction. They stopped once they were in the town square. "My moms.. gonna kill me!" Simon panted, leaning against a building. "She doesnt have to find out." He joked, grabbing Simons hand, and pulling him towards the forest.

"You gonna murder me or something?" Simon joked, as Wille shrugged. "I dont know, am I?" Interlocking their fingers, slowing down. They made their way off the path, walking their own way, somewhere theyve never went before.

"So.. What are we?" Simon asked hesitantly, Wilhelm stayed silent for a moment. "Whatever you want, I dont mind. But, I do really like you, I just dont wanna ruin our friendship." He said truthfully, looking around. "I do want you to be my boyfriend, Im just afraid of what everyone would say." Simon said, as Wille nodded. "Its scary, I know. But, fuck everyone else, Id love to be your boyfriend." He smiled, as they both stopped walking, turning towards eachother.

"Then its settled, Im your boyfriend, and youre my boyfriend." Simon pecked his lips, as they chuckled. "Good, I like that." Wille replied, as they started walking again. "Where even are we?" He asked, as Simon shrugged.

They were standing infront of a small, overgrown wooden cabin. "We should go in." Simon suggested, Wille looked at him like he was insane. "Are you crazy?! What if someone is living in there?!" He yelled, as Simon gave him a 'seriously?' type look. "Wille, look at it. Its overgrown, and looks like nobodys been inside for years, lets go, please?" He begged, as Wilhelm sighed. "Fine, come on."

(866 words)
i feel like this is all just mushed together, and i couldve slowed it down a bit. but i have a whole idea and idk how to write it 😭😭 love u loads 😮😮

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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